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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Trump calls Baltimore, crime and rodent infested. Uh...it is. When did the truth become unspeakable?



  1. Why didn't Baltimore Ghetto Daddy make the kid a sandwich and piece of fruit bag lunch when Baltimore Ghetto Mommy couldn't?

    a) He's dead;
    b) He's doing 30 to life;
    c) Mommy has no idea where he is and the kid never met him:
    d) Why bother when school lunch is free, paid for by other people.

  2. Over a billion dollars yes OVER 1 BILLION went to Baltimore City from obama's stimulus money. IF cummings were truly concerned about his district AND the residents he would start demanding to know where that money went. It certainly didn't go towards tearing down the over 10,000 abandon structures. It certainly didn't go to public works to keep up with the trash problem.

  3. Thank goodness for the 695 beltway; we can circumvent Balmore.

  4. Wow. Powerful stuff. Baltimore is a shithole and if you don't believe it take a ride through one day. But because of stupid Democrats it will never change. All you couch liberals should go hang around West Baltimore say around midnight and see how long you live. But you won't because you are scared shitless the animals will rip you to pieces. And they will. Good luck Baltimore.

  5. 7:39 Obama gave them 1.9 billlion. Larry Hogan said he had given them 5 billion. So that is almost 7 billion and there has been no improvement at all.

  6. Did you know that many of those apartments are own by TRUMPS SON IN LAW KHUSHER. ?

    1. Is this JOHN CANNON ?

    2. But who is trashing them

    3. 9:18 Did you know Baltimore was a shithole long before Kushner had rental houses? Did you think that made any difference in Baltimore? I asked earlier. Is it a struggle to get through each day with all of that hatred for Trump? Has the last 3 years been hard for you? Asking for a friend.

    4. So who is trashing them. So you are saying just because you own a rental and a bunch of welfare drug addicted renters trash them it is fault of the owner. You judge too quickly.

  7. That was a powerful video. Thanks for posting it Joe. If Mr. Cummings was as concerned with the citizens of his district as he is illegal aliens he would send the kids in Baltimore to the border holding facilities so they could live a better life. The children would be safe there and have better living conditions than they have now. Cry first for your constituents Mr Cummings and lift a finger to fix the problems at home. What say you Mr. Cummings?

  8. Ok so Jared Kushner owns apartments in Baltimore. There must be huge dollars coming from the federal government to support the investment. You know the tenants rip them to shreds and don't pay rent on time. So what should he do? Pull out of inner cities completely and watch even more houses crumble? I thought liberals wanted private investment in our cities? If he was a Democrat he'd be a hero for investing in that drug, rat and roach infested shithole.

  9. HOW about the 2 FORIEGN vacationers who were assaulted infront of there hotel in downtown Baltimore by 14 Black Thugs.

  10. Wayne King
    Go get video of the blight housing in the black neighborhoods and show what Dems have done for there voters NOTHING and post it on your site.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    Did you know that many of those apartments are own by TRUMPS SON IN LAW KHUSHER. ?

    July 30, 2019 at 9:18 AM"

    Sure do! First to correct the record it was a mice problem in one of the complexes. If there is to be any conversation it does not help t spread rumors or be dishonest. Now that you understand that I will proceed. Kushner Companies owns 1000's of residential units in and around Baltimore City. They were purchased in deplorable conditions and had many problems. The mice problem was corrected as soon as it was brought to light and is no more a problem. As a matter of fact and I know democrats hate facts oh how they can't stand fact facts burn the democrats up----the Kushner Company properties are an excellent example actually the best example---- to all of how constant reinvestment maintains a higher quality of living for not only the resident but benefits the entire neighborhood.

    1. How many slums does John Cannon own also look what Jim Liarton and Jake day have done for low income slum housing in dabury NOTHING.

  12. 10:21 That is a huge problem. The tenants in plain English being trash themselves. I remember the public housing high rise experiment. People wouldn't call maintenance to fix leaky pipes. This because they were either up to something illegal or we breaking a public housing rule someway for example too many living in the unit. Most and yes it was most let the apartments go to crap. The leaks lead to very little water pressure on the upper floors and of course mold and water damage. The high rises had to be imploded after what like 30 yrs. Before them the other public housing complexes had to be torn down because the residents crapped them up. AFter the high rise failure they tried 3 story complexes like Gilmor Homes the projects where the infamous freddie gray lived. They are now in the process of tearing Gilmor homes down because those people csn't take care of anything. It's disgusting and the shame of it is if you say how uncivilized they are they holler racism instead of admitting the truth. They are a race that does not value being honest and that is what has caused all their social problems But they are taught to lie and lying is okay so they blame it on racism. They should be ashamed of themselves but there aren't many alive today who have ever had a good decent positive role model in their lives. That is why most vote democrats. They are an immoral people overall.


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