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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trump administration puts Vermont hospital on notice for allegedly forcing Catholic nurse to help with abortion

The Trump administration sent a notice Wednesday to the University of Vermont Medical Center after a federal investigation concluded the hospital forced a Catholic nurse to assist with an abortion despite her objections to the procedure.

The hospital has 30 days to show it won't force healthcare workers to violate their beliefs. If it does not, the complaint will go to another agency, the Health Resources and Services Administration, which will kick off a review process. The Burlington, Vermont-based hospital may lose government funding if it fails to make changes.

"We do not want a society where on the issue of life and death people are forced to violate their deepest-held beliefs," Roger Severino, director of the Office for Civil Rights, said in a phone call with reporters Wednesday.



  1. Complete crock.Trump could care less.

  2. Trump plays the MSM like a fiddle.
    Next thing he's going to do is find a penny behind their ear or get them to pull his finger. they are so gullible.


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