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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Trump 2020 White Marlin Tournament Starts Tomorrow

While literally hundreds more flags will be distributed today by Royal Plus owner Mark Odachowski, the view is absolutely beautiful already. Good Luck to all of you.


  1. Note to gillis family It's intervention time Keep old man gillis locked up in his bedroom for the next week. No one wants the weak little man who can't respect others opinions to get offended.

  2. I love going to West Ocean City Marina and seeing the Trump flags!

  3. ALL who Vote for Trump will WIN !!!!

  4. What's wrong with using the AMERICAN flag?

    1. Ask your local Democrat.

    2. Exactly, I'm a trump supporter but the whole trump flag thing is just trying to create drama for social media exposure.

    3. Showing the boss support. And pissin' people off. It was a good day.

    4. American flag is considered racist where the Trump flag is an opinion and free speech

    5. Nothing is wrong with using the American flag, what is wrong with using the Trump flag ??

    6. 1:26 Or it’s just people supporting their President.
      11:11 You should ask all the Dem candidates running for President. Not one American flag during a Presidentusl debate. That’s Anti America at its finest.

    7. You are right. No American flag at the debates. It could be that NONE of them on stage deserves what the American flag stands for. They have no credibility.

  5. If Gillis, Day, and Cannon show up at this place they better know how to swim.

  6. Most boats fly American flags.

  7. AOC says WHITE Marlin is Racist !!! Must change it to
    Blue Marlin !!!

  8. when you spend that kind of money on a boat,you cab fly whatever flag you damn well please! TRUMP 2020.NO MORE BULL SH$$T

  9. White Marlin are quite delicious.Rare and hard to get but delicious.A friend of mine made jerky out of them.

  10. I think for what it's worth I that the Trump flag shows our support for a President who is doing a great job for the American people under such tremendous media hate. Trump is the only President in a very long time who has put America first and those that have benefited from selling out on America hate Trump.

  11. The White Marlin is NOT about politics and you are desperate to try and make it about it – my father and brothers have fished this tournament for 33 years and look forward to the friendships, the competition and overall fun. Have you ever fished it?? I doubt it. The pendulum is going to swing again and anyone who identifies as a republican, RIGHT OR WRONG, will be branded a racist and white nationalist – I’m not sure that is a good business decision.

  12. Thanks again, Mark!

  13. Just remember that you would hate it if they were Obama flags

    1. You know that's right 8:07
      Trump 2020 MAGA

  14. I proudly fly the Trump Flag at my home and business. I can assure you, (in case you haven't regularly seen my parking lot) it does NOT hurt our business at all. I support our President, I believe in our President and I have every right to share my opinion. Some of you can say it will or could hurt my business, so be it. I am NOT against anyone who disagrees with our President. In fact I encourage a healthy debate. To those of you mentioning Palmer Gillis, he's a very good man who also deserves his right to his opinion. While I firmly disagree with Mr. Gillis, I respect him and his opinion and that is what makes America such a beautiful place to live. We ALL need to learn to agree to disagree. As for these flags in the Whit Marlin Tournament, I can tel you first hand these people are ASKING for these flags. None of us are shoving it down their throats. And let me also assure you, NO BUSINESS is hurting because of these flags. For those of you asking why no American Flags, go out and buy them and you can give them all away for FREE, since you allegedly are so supportive. I think we can ALL agree it too would be a beautiful sight that will compliment ALL other flags. Chew on that one for a minute...

  15. gillis is busy ripping off all the liberals and government agencies he deals with.

  16. Wasn’t many who could afford boats when Obama was president now look at all the boats and campers on the roads!


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