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Sunday, August 18, 2019

'Traveling Trash Men' spending several days cleaning up Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - On Friday, for the second day in a row, the Traveling Trashmen are back in west Baltimore.

The nine men are from New York and Florida. They're spending hours on the city's dirtiest streets picking up the trash and debris.

Friday they focused on an alleyway near North Avenue and Appleton Street.

Neighbors who live nearby say they report the trash, but nothing changes.

The trashmen says they knew where to come because Baltimore's Department of Public Works told them where the problem areas are.



  1. Nice gesture, but it will be a dumping ground and trashed again by the inhabitants in no time. It's a way of life for savages

  2. 8:29 It's complicated. Having lived on N Saratoga St, off E Church, at first we picked up the trash constantly. After 10 years we stopped. A decade of cleaning up after pigs was enough for us. It never stopped. The trash never stopped. Booze bottles, crack pipes, litter.

    We tried to have pride in our neighborhood.

  3. Waste of time. Trashy people don’t mind living like pigs. How do you explain to people that throwing trash out of your window is not acceptable human behavior?

  4. It's a shame the citizens of Baltimore don't jump into this after all it is their city, their children's future, it can be rebuilt and a new clean look one block at a time. Boots on the ground people you have weeks before school starts so students too jump in make a difference. Bring back "Baltimore Pride" and determination show the whole country what can be done with hard sweat and a positive attitude.

  5. The people that live there need to clean up their own neighborhood instead of calling somewhere and reporting that it's trashy. Show some pride for a change.

  6. 8:29
    Sadly you are right. I was reading comments on facebook and they said people have already dumped trash where they just cleaned things up. They were also mad that the city wouldn't even provide dumpsters for the first guy that was cleaning things up. He had to pay for dumpsters. I haven't heard one peep out of Cummings. No thank you, no good job, not even asking people to go out and help them. Typical. Sit back and let someone else do the work.

  7. Clean it up on any morning and it's trashed again the next one. Salisbury has lots of streets like this.

  8. Nice thing to do but those people deserve to wallow in the filth and deserve all the dead bodies and shootings and to bury their thugs. They don't support the police then they deserve to suffer. Nothing good should ever come to the ghetto filth that lives in that war zone.

    1. What happened to you to make you so hateful??

  9. Keeping it looking like crap is a conscious choice by some, sort of like marking territory.

  10. Make the welfare recipients do it.

    1. Say What 549 ?

      I'm not in slavery

  11. Wonderful gesture however a waste of time
    Same issue here in our county
    Watched Wicomico Gov clean up Cody Cox branch , Rose Street, Delaware Ave and the surrounding areas several times over 20 years.
    After each clean up property owners and those living there allow it to become a dumping ground again
    trash in streets in the branch. If the people that live there don't give a dam and won't help themselves why should we
    Just a smaller area than Baltimore same hood rats


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