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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Ted Cruz: 'Deep state' is undercutting Trump on Iran

Sen. Ted Cruz is accusing "deep state" Obama loyalists of attempting to hamstring President Trump’s foreign policy agenda as it relates to Iran.

The Texas Republican released a statement Wednesday responding to reports that the Trump administration is considering extending waivers to Tehran allowing the regime to continue work on its nuclear capabilities.

"I hope these reports turn out to be wrong. The president has correctly ordered his administration to halt implementation of the catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal," Cruz said.



  1. So I'm the only one who can see the chess game Trump is playing here?Am I the only one who can see how this is a carefully calculated plan? They are finally working together,thank God.

  2. Trump is the "deep state" He threw the baby out with the bath water

    1. Agreed. Debts and deficits galore. He's like Bush and Clinton's evil spawn

  3. Not just in Iran. Everywhere. First this LIE of COLLUSION. Then they want his TAX returns. PRESIDENT TRUMP will prevail. He has too. Can you imagine if HILLARY WON?? ESPECIALLY after all this CRAP coming out. WOW.


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