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Monday, August 26, 2019

Social media has a field day when AOC plays with zoo penguin

The internet went crazy after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a video of her playing with a penguin at the zoo.

The video, posted on Saturday, has gained almost 4 million views, and shows a penguin chasing the New York Democrat and mimicking her movements.

Just as with anything Ocasio-Cortez posts on Twitter, comments on the video ranged from support and appreciation for the animal to jokes and ridicule.



  1. Look forward to ten thousand memes based on the trip.

  2. She said she was fascinated that this bird could swim when she knows most birds just fly. She also liked how he was dressed in a Tux for her since she is a Celebrity. She asked the zoo if he could take her to dinner later that night.

  3. She must not be much of a good Catholic girl or there would be a fun comment about how nuns in habits look like penguins.


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