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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Sen. Ben Cardin’s bill takes aim at racial profiling

U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., called on Congress to move ahead Wednesday on his bill to prevent racial and religious profiling, in a week when his native Baltimore has been repeatedly attacked by President Donald Trump for its high crime rate.

“We want to get it passed now. It should have been passed a long time ago,” Cardin said.

The End Racial and Religious Profiling Act is co-sponsored in the House by Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who has been singled out for criticism by the president in tweets and comments aimed at him and Maryland’s 7th District, which includes Baltimore.

Hillary Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington bureau, said the president’s decision to blast Baltimore and Cummings doesn’t help with efforts to tamp down racial tensions and deal with issues related to racial profiling.



  1. Liberals are dweebs and ruining everything...

  2. Sometimes racial profiling is a really good law enforcement tool. The removal of racial profiling has actually gone to far in some cases (as in: a BLACK MALE robbed a bank, the police dispatcher is only allowed to report that an INDIVIDUAL robbed a bank).
    Also, they need to be careful of what they ask for because if they get rid of racial profiling, unqualified students will not get into colleges only because of their color or get jobs only because of their color (aka affirmative action which is a form of racial profiling).

  3. Now he decides to do something since his Muslim buddies are being called OUT.

  4. The leader of the Dangerous district in America gets called out and it’s racial profiling?

  5. Yes 7:43, good way to look at that racial profiling issue. Thank you for your input

  6. When will photos of wanted individuals be disallowed because it's seen as racist? How silly we've all become to let even more silly people take over.


  7. Ben's awake? Usually only stirs from mental hibernation every 6 years during electoral cycle.

    It's that doggone climate change thing and you know who is to blame for that!


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