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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Republican Jewish Coalition Backs Trump

The Republican Jewish Coalition on Wednesday backed President Donald Trump in his attacks on Jews who vote for Democrats, saying on Twitter that the President was "pointing out the obvious."

"We take the President seriously, not literally," the coalition, headed by Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, said in one tweet. "President Trump is pointing out the obvious: for those who care about Israel, the position of many elected Democrats has become anti-Israel."

The group then referenced U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who have been banned from Israel for supporting boycotts over the Jewish state's treatment of Palestinians.

"When Tlaib and Omar talk loyalty, they're questioning American Jews' loyalty to the United States," the coalition said in another post. "President Trump is talking about caring about the survival of the Jewish state."



  1. Jewish people should remember who sent the St. Lewis ship back to Germany to have all the Jews aboard killed in the Nazi Death Camps.

  2. Why do we allow the Democrats to do as I say but not as I do. Why are these hateful Muslims in our Government? I'm speaking of these wo individuals. We America took them in, feed them, educated ten and they call our President whom America elected an Occupant of the White House. That makes my blood boil.

  3. The richest families on the planet are all Jewish.
    They control both sides of the political spectrum: Left and Right, Communists and Facists

    Educate yourselves.


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