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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Report: Dayton Shooter ‘Definitely Leaned to the Left,’ Talked About Shooting up Bars

The Dayton Daily News reported Monday evening that the gunman who carried out a mass shooting early Sunday morning “definitely leaned to the left” politically and had talked to friends recently about shooting up local bars.

On Sunday evening, Breitbart News reported that Twitter had suspended an account reportedly linked to the shooter. The account had tweeted in support of socialism, in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), against President Donald Trump, and against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In a new report, the Dayton Daily News confirms that the shooter, who killed nine people and wounded over two dozen, was left-wing — and that he did not support the Second Amendment:

Friends also told the newspaper that the shooter had threatened to attack bars:

Friends of the Dayton Oregon District shooter cut ties with him earlier this year because he’d unexpectedly brandish guns and once talked about shooting up Timothy’s, a popular bar among University of Dayton students, a former friend told the Dayton Daily News.

Other people — far from friendly with Connor Betts, the shooter — recalled to the Dayton Daily News how they’d been concerned about him and his bizarre behavior for years, even reporting him to local police. The shooter’s threats were not taken seriously, according to the article.

Until now, the mainstream media have taken no interest in the Ohio shooter’s views, preferring instead to focus on the white supremacist views of the gunman who attacked a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, the day before, killing 22 and wounding dozens more.



    Where are the Dems when the police took out that Ohio shooter within 60 seconds ? Where is the PRAISE ? CRICKETS from the HYPOCRITEs.

  2. Doesn't matter, leans left, leans right. This kid was sick in the head and the tragedy is nobody took that for face value. Blame the gun and the NRA if it makes anyone feel better; the cold hard fact is this kid was sick in the head and nobody addressed it. It would appear we have become so politically correct that we are afraid to see things for what they are until it is too late. Yes, the tragedy is people had to die yet again, but certainly not because these guys bought weapons legally.

  3. Who cares which political party a shooter belongs to? It makes no difference. Just like any person I know, I don't care what party they belong to. If I like them or dislike them it's for many more important reasons that that.

  4. 7:29 it does matter when they are making it appear to be white nationalists. or white racists or white Trump supporters. Wen in fact Most of the mass shooters have been leftists.


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