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Monday, August 05, 2019

President Trump broke the rule to never hold a black politician responsible

Democrat Representative Elijah Cummings, along with the members of his party, have been feigning outrage and concern about the living conditions for illegal alien children at the border for over a year. The outright shameful part about his so-called concern is that his own district is in a far worse condition than the detention centers at the border that house non-citizens. In fact, every district run by the members of the Congressional Black Caucus has been neglected for decades.

Continuing to attempt to gain political points against a successful Trump administration, Rep. Cummings not only criticized the living condition at the detention centers, he even attacked the border patrol agents. In the meantime, political commentator and Baltimore County Republican Central Committee member Kimberly Klacik was busy posting videos of the dilapidated rodent infested buildings in Rep, Cummings’s District 7 on Twitter.

President Trump, obviously after seeing the videos, had finally had enough of Cummings’s dishonest bias reports about the living conditions at the border and fired back at him about the terrible conditions in his own district. This sent shockwaves across the liberal media and the Democrat party. How dare he hold a black politician responsible for the condition in his district? No other Republican politician had the backbone to do so out of fear of being called a racist. However, President Trump is not the average Republican that runs and tucks his tail at the fear of being called a racist or any other name that liberals come up with. He is a street brawling counter puncher. You throw the first punch; he punches back hard.



  1. And I hope he keeps doing it! Democratic run cities are the worst in this country all are gun free zones yet the most gun crimes happen in all of them!

  2. The dumbocrats have ruined almost every large city.

  3. Just what I love about President Trump. He tells it like it is. Truth hurts

  4. Nobody likes to hear the truth about themselves, even when they themselves know it's the truth.

  5. Seriously folks; watch the session where Cummings dares to rake the acting border security official over the coals for his remark that border patrol is doing the best they can under the circumstances. He (Cummings) outrageously rants with his jowl shuddering and agape eyes while his own district wallows in filth, abject poverty, and infestation. Cummings is a poor excuse and a disgrace hiding behind his race. Described in one word...COWARD!


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