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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Prekindergarten Slots Open At Eleven Elementary Schools

It's AUGUST! Time is running out to register for PRE-K for the 2019-20 school year. Slots are available at 11 of our Elementary Schools!

We are accepting registration for PREK 4 for the 2019-20 school year at 11 of our Elementary schools. Your *child must be age four (4) by 9/1/2019.

Here are the schools that still have openings:

- Beaver Run Elementary
- Chipman Elementary
- Delmar Elementary
- Fruitland Primary
- Northwestern Elementary
- Pemberton Elementary
- Pinehurst Elementary
- Prince Street Elementary
- West Salisbury Elementary
- Westside Primary
- Willards Elementary

Families must reside in the Elementary School area.

If you have any questions, COME into or CALL the SCHOOL in your area, and Register your child for PREK 4!

To find out which school your child would go to based on your address, go to our "School Locator" at https://dev.wcboe.org/edulog/


  1. It is STUNNING to look at the list(s) of documents and IDs that the student MUST provide, as well as the parents, just to get into this little pre-K school...

    but yet-- if you ask somebody to show just ONE ID to VOTE, you're a racist and you're trying to intimidate and suppress the vote.


  2. They will be filled up with illegals soon enough.

  3. 11:19
    How do they do that? It says they need a birth certificate and SS#. We know it is happening.....just wondering how they get around not having the required documents.

  4. Take your child and run!!!

    Put them in a good christian or private school.

    Remember liberal indoctrination begins at an early age!
    The public school system is a failure.

    Your children deserve better!

  5. Wish we could afford Christian or private school.

  6. They love to get hold of kids this age to start indoctrinating them into the land of liberalism and socialism. Easy prey.


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