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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Bill only wishes he looked as vibrant as he does in that top picture! He now looks like the walking dead.

  2. Both of them look like the walking dead, rightfully so!

  3. They came, they saw, he died.

  4. I dream of a day when I never hear the name CLINTONS ever again. The only thing we want to see is both of them behind bars, hopefully in the Manhattan Jail.

  5. Hillary knows Bill's a pervert. Being nothing but a lowly slave to a man Hillary was ordered to sit down, shut and put on a good face and stay married to Bill the perv. And being such an all obeying slave she obeyed without question.

  6. 10:53 Where do you get the Hillary slave to Bill? If you remember his days in Arkansas Bill's own mother called Hillary the force that wanted to be in politics. Her history and her family's were the attention seekers she was always the politician, he was the most appealing for the job and better chance. Even though he was a womanizer and worse she was the puppet master.

  7. Hillary is the top dog in that family. The pantsuits aren't just a fashion statement, they're a policy statement. Bill's still around only because he owns half of everything according to NY law, including the Clinton Foundation proceeds, minus whatever Chelsea's been gifted.

  8. Hillary is nothing but a slave. Any woman who would stay with a man after it was found he rammed a cigar up a young woman's vagina in order to ejaculate and doesn't leave that man is nothing but a slave to him. Any independent self respecting women couldn't have been out the door and away from him fast enough.


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