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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas threatened this week that "million of fighters" would swarm Jerusalem and topple the Jewish state's capital city, warning that "no matter how many houses and how many settlements they declare that they [plan to build] here and there—they shall all be destroyed."

Abbas, in an Arabic language speech at Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah that was heavy with threats of destruction, doubled down on the Palestinian government's policy of using public money to pay convicted terrorists and their families, telling his audience, "We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland."

Abbas went on to rally those in attendance to swarm the city of Jerusalem and destroy all Jewish people living there. His remarks are the clearest sign to date that the leader has no interest in playing a role in a revamped peace process spearheaded by President Donald Trump's White House.



  1. Abbas is controlled opposition.
    Don't fall for it.

  2. The time for all of this bull crap has ended, time to Nuke Palestine off the Earth!

    1. . Just ignore them and cut off money until he is replaced. No money no dictator.

  3. It will be a good day for them to die.

  4. Fire bomb them, cook their sorry asses and clear them out. They do not belong there, Israel owns this land!

  5. The level of small town, hokey, Scofield brand Christianity is amusing. Nuke Palestine? Genius! You can tell most of you lot can't find it on a map or you'd know it's in Israel. There is no way to nuke it. You have to fight man to man and it's not a fight the Jews want or they'd have done it already. Then there is the fact there is no such thing as nuclear weapons. Inert material does not store energy. All you have is large scale conventional bombs. Nothing more.


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