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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Owens: Ohio Shooter Was a Socialist Warren Fan – But, ‘We Don’t Blame Anyone But the Shooter’

Conservative commentator and Blexit leader Candice Owens blasted Democrat presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke for blaming President Donald Trump for Saturday’s mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.

Owens replied on Twitter Sunday to a video of O’Rourke tweeted by MSNBC Producer Kyle Griffin, in which O’Rourke accused Trump of “encouraging” mass shootings like the one in Texas.

In her response, Owens said that the suspect in Sunday’s mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio was a self-described socialist and fan of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) – but, no one should be blaming Warren or anyone other than the shooter for the tragedy:

“The Ohio shooter was a self-described socialist and Elizabeth Warren fan. Do we blame @AOC and her squad?

“No-- we do not. We don’t blame anyone but the shooter.

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  1. Oh yeah, he was a deranged Democratic. But we don't hear about that from the corporate media.

    1. And the other dirtbag stated it had nothing to do with TRUMP.

  2. Warren isn't out there making speeches that devalue the lives of minorities. These idiots think they're doing Trump a favor. It's why the FBI won't investigate white nationalist crimes, because they would then be seen as going after Trumps main base.

    1. So let me get this right. If you want to spair, American citizens drug trafficing, massive gang influct, child trafficing, desiese outbreak then our President is promoting gun violence? Well it seems to me only a twisted, evil soul would believe such a thing. And there we have it.

  3. These shooting were taking place way be fore Trump was elected President.How about doing something with the mentally disabled nuts who are buying guns. Not law abiding citizens.Just apply the laws on the book.

  4. 10:50--
    Delusional much?

  5. O'Rourke sounds more stupid and pointless every time he opens his mouth.

  6. And why didn't Beto blame Obama for the Aurora, Colorado massacre?

    There's demagoguery and then there is a real low life response.

    Democrats, he's part of you.

  7. Why didn't Beto blame Obama for the Aurora Colorado massacre.

    There's demagoguery, and then there's a low life response.

    Democrats, he's your baby.

  8. Beto did u get ur hand signal movements from PELOSI ? FN fool.


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