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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan 'leftist' who supported Elizabeth Warren

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, rifle-wielding Connor Betts rampaged through a Dayton entertainment district, killing his sister and eight other people and leaving dozens of others wounded before police killed him.

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” he wrote in one tweet, according to Heavy.com.



  1. This is a very sick person; rape and murder lists in high school and threatened a classmate by saying he had fantasies of tying her up and slitting her throat. A warning sign if there ever was one and he was returned to school. Why wasn't he assessed for mental illness then? That is not normal behavior yet guns, Trump, and the NRA are to blame.

  2. Well, well, well. See if CNN brings these details up. Can you say bury the story?

  3. It looks like his wait is going to be extended for a while. Sick bastard. White nationalist racist white guy, eh ...., wait, he's a Warren fan. Nevermind then! 🤫

    Don't tell the tree hungers or MSNBC. They will never admit it.

  4. Gives the impression this nut case was a Democrat and not a "white supremacy' person. Appears he was following Maxine Waters and the Democrats call to violence / disruption. Waters, Democrats, Soros, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matters, liberal Judges not giving out sentences to match the crime, and violate video games is all at fault. I am not at fault so why am I a legal gun owner being criticized, condemn, punished, have my 2nd amendment rights taken away and demonized for the actions of these Liberal nut cases? They want to blame some one else because their feel good policies. TRUTH hurts these people / groups.

  5. Well, he's dead so according to past Democrat agendas, he's still eligible to vote...

    1. He will still vote for Warren in the up coming elections. Warren will claim his final wishes should be honored!

  6. He hates Trump. That’s the end of that story.

  7. DemocRATs are the ones spreading the 24/7 hate on conservatives the Ohio shooter was a Dem Elizabeth Warren lover he hated Trump but for some reason this isn't on CNN ? More one sided Soros cover ups.

  8. On his locker in school he had a Hillary for President sticker!
    He truly showed signs of being nuts quite a while ago.

  9. A AR 15 is not a Automatic assault weapon it's a RIFLE , Don't let DemocRATs tell you a apple is a tomato they are brainwashed fools

  10. I firmly believe if you are taking psychotropic prescription meds have ever been hospitalized for mental issues or are taking hard core drugs like heroin, meth etc, posted threats on social media, then you should not own or have access to a gun. Until you are deemed recovered by a medical review board made up of medical and law enforcement individuals. To many times we see people with mental issues going off the deep end.
    I think this is a reasonable approach. Just wonder how many congress members / democrats would be ineligible?

  11. He got the justice and break he needed, so sorry other families had to pay the price, he should have been behind bars or in an institution a long time ago. Sorry for the innocent lives lost.


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