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Friday, August 23, 2019

NYC 'Truly A Sanctuary City' After De Blasio Allows Illegal Immigrants In Taxpayer-Subsidized Housing Pool

New York City Mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bill de Blasio just made it easier for illegal immigrants to obtain taxpayer-subsidized apartments. His administration changed the city's affordable housing lottery by doing away with the requirement that any adult applying for "affordable housing" -- aka cheaper apartments paid in for in part by city taxes in typically hard to get neighborhoods -- must have a Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number in order to be considered for the draw. In New York, residents apply for the lottery several times throughout the year. But critics of the old system said that it harmed minority residents who may be more likely to have little to no credit. The SSN and TIN made it possible to check their credit history, thus potentially eliminating them as worthy applicants. But now that these pieces of personal information are no longer required, illegal aliens will be able to enter the lottery as there will be little to no way of checking if they are United States citizens.

"It completely opens the floodgates," Ana Nunez, of Churches United For Fair Housing, a nonprofit organization, told New York One.

Nunez also added that illegal immigrants "confide in me. They don't have a social security number or a TIN...They may fear that if they apply especially with this administration they might face some repercussion … so that is now a huge barrier that has been eliminated."



  1. But...everyone else that applies will still need a SS# to complete the application. Right??? That's discrimination

  2. No, it says the SSN is not required anymore.

    So how can they check credit or determine income and eligibility?

  3. And that social security number will make you eligible for social security disability. No wonder New Yorkers are moving to Florida.


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