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Friday, August 23, 2019

New automatic voter registration law fraudulently registering minors to vote

Beginning last month, Maryland became the 10th state in the nation, along with the District of Columbia, to enact a voter registration system that automatically puts residents on the voter rolls when using a social service agency, obtaining a driver’s license or even getting a new state identification card. Passed largely along party lines, with Democrats helping to pass this new law earlier this year during the Maryland General Assembly; the party of Andrew Jackson and Barack Obama touted this as being a tool that would help increase voter turnout and participation in local elections.

Problem is, it seems to be increasing turnout too much, enabling minors to become a part of a system that legally they are not allowed to participate.

Earlier this month, Kalil Jaymar Jones – a sixteen-year old Howard County resident – went to the Motor Vehicle Administration with his mother in order to obtain a new state ID. An excited Jones had just had a birthday two weeks prior and was ready to begin the process of finally being able to obtain a driver’s license. But instead of taking the learners permit right away, he decided to get the MVA booklet and study some more before taking the multiple-choice exam. But he did finally get a state-issued identification while he was there, and that enabled state employees to fraudulently issue him a voter registration card.

Asked whether he would like to become a voter in the future, he agreed, after asking his politically-conscious mother what party affiliation he should select. They thought nothing of the question asked by the MVA employee, since young Mr. Jones wouldn’t turn eighteen – the legal age to participate in federal, state and local elections – until August 2021.



  1. SO FIX THE SYSTEM. Tell Moscow Mitch to stop getting rid of bills that would make voting more secure!

  2. Hogan, Mike Miller and the Democrats have definitely created voter fraud in all MD elections. Take this action and add illegals you have a MD that is run by illegal voters. Thank You Hogan and Miller for a sanctuary State and royally screwing the MD citizens that pay taxes.

  3. Thanks hogan, you RINO/POS. This could have been stopped. Now we have 16 year old kids influenced by their liberal teachers voting in the upcoming presidential election, and since it an "ID is not required" election officials will not know they are too young to legally vote

  4. 9:49 the bill sent to Mitch would federalize all elections which would create an even bigger problem. Get with it and do your own research before your spout the MSM mantra. Unless of course that is who you are

  5. 10:21 Federalizing elections has nothing to do with getting registered to vote in MD at the age of 16

  6. 10:21 Obliviously you missed the whole point

  7. More examples of the demonrats trying to rig elections.

    Lie, lie, lie, cheat and steal. The dumbocrat motto.

  8. Sue the Attorney General and Governor.


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