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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Mexico to take legal action against US after three Mexican nationals die in El Paso shooting

In the aftermath of the mass shooting in El Paso, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard posted a video on Twitter, promising to take legal action against the United States for failing to take measures to protect Mexican citizens.

Twenty people were killed at the Walmart in El Paso on Saturday morning, of whom three were Mexican nationals. Nine of the 26 who were wounded were Mexican citizens, according to NBC News.

“The president has instructed me to ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates into ... efficient, prompt, expeditious and forceful legal actions for Mexico to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect ... Mexicans in the United States,” Ebrard said.



  1. Hey Mexico,how many fingers is the U.S. holding up?

  2. Now the shoes on the other foot

  3. LMAO - okay so when will they be held responsible for ALL the Americans that die on vacation in Mexico LMAO - lunatics

  4. Do we take action for all the Americans killed in Mexico?

  5. sue them for not stopping all the illegals and allowing safe passage through the state.

  6. 67 americans murdered in mexico this year so far. why aren't we suing?

  7. so now they are mexican citizens?..are we sure they were not illegals border jumpers first?


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