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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Lindsey Graham Advised Trump Against Afghanistan Withdrawal

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Axios in a report released Monday that he advised President Donald Trump against withdrawing all military troops from Afghanistan by the 2020 election.

Axios’ Jonathan Swan reported that Sen. Graham told President Trump that withdrawing troops and ending the decades-long war in Afghanistan would be a major mistake.

“When it comes to the election of 2020,” Sen. Graham said, “I think it would be very easy for the president to defend leaving a counterterrorism force that was recommended by our military and intelligence community, to protect the homeland after the debacle in Iraq.”

Graham’s advice to the president arises as the United States has reportedly started preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan in exchange for concessions from the Taliban.


1 comment:

  1. Graham = Idiot!

    STFU you MIC mouthpiece!

    TRUMP 2020!


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