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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Just When You Think You Own Your Own Private Property...

The year was 1967. Ronald Reagan had just become governor of California. Aretha Franklin was belting out R-E-S-P-E-C-T on the radio. Marxist revolutionary leader Che Guevara was captured and executed in Bolivia.

And a restaurant chain called The White Spot opened its newest location in Denver, Colorado.

It was a popular diner; the White Spot served pancakes and milkshakes to customers for decades, and ownership of the Denver location eventually changed hands when an entrepreneur named Tom Messina bought the diner in 1999.

He changed the name from the White Spot to Tom’s Diner, and he’s been serving Denver customers for the last 20 years.

But Tom turned 60 recently, and he’s thinking about retirement. After two decades of cracking eggs and frying bacon, he’s ready to spend more time with his family.

And fortunately for Tom, he’s sitting on an extremely valuable asset: his real estate. Tom’s diner is located in downtown Denver in an area that has been heavily redeveloped.



  1. Home "ownership" has always been a myth. Don't pay your property taxes and see just how much of that house you actually own.

  2. Basically what has happened to farmers in Maryland also,environmentalists have put a stop to developing farms so they have to keep farming or lose the farm.

    1. Environmentalists are also causing farmers to shut down

  3. Peoples Nostalgia. You wanna see a Historic American main street go to Disney World it's far closer to what you'd like to think you remember than it actually was. Like this whole debate over downtown bull doze all those bricks to the ground. Pave Paradise and Put up a Parking Lot.

    1. I heard they want to close a parking lot in Salisbury and put up a building

  4. Wasn’t that long ago you could develop a farm.

  5. A man should be able to do what he wants with his property, without taxes, fees, or any other monitary theft, and that is what it is,,,,theft...as long as others are not directly...i mean directly threatened. But the democratically left th8nk they are smarter than you and thus should be able to dictate what you can and can not do with said property that you paid for. Save your shells and buy reloading equipment.

  6. This is heinous. I suspect, there is more to this story though... something just seems missing here.


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