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Monday, August 26, 2019

Idaho must provide gender confirmation surgery to inmate Adree Edmo

IDAHO — The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the state of Idaho must provide gender confirmation surgery to Adree Edmo-- an inmate housed at the Idaho Department of Corrections, according to Boise State Public Radio.

That means Edmo will be the first transgender inmate in the country to receive the surgery through a court order.

Based on Edmo's diagnosed gender dysphoria, a panel of judges agreed with Federal District Judge B. Lynn Winmill's ruling in Edmo's favor. They argued that not providing the surgery would be a violation of the Eighth Amendment.

As we previously reported , Idaho attempted to appeal the ruling, an action led by Gov. Brad Little during his first weeks in office.



  1. I'm sure they can do this in the shower, a lot of inmates have knives!

  2. Paid for by tax money. It will cost he/she nothing zero. Half million dollar surgery for free. Can’t beat it. And the law firm representing he/she is also paid for by tax payers. Transportation is also provided at no cost.

  3. You can wack off the wee wee, but DNA still says he's a he...

  4. How about a lobotomy instead? Clearly he/she is mentally ill.

  5. Read the whole article, child abuser. I will gladly pay my share to cut his @#$& off.


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