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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Here's How "Middle Class Joe's" Election Chances Will Come Crashing Down

The closer we get to seeing former Vice President Biden potentially cinch the Democratic nomination for president, the more the American public will be informed of the mountain of corruption looming over his lengthy political career. Case in point - an over 7,000 word new Politico deep dive into "middle-class Joe" Biden, as he alone likes to call himself, chronicles the decades-long sordid history of efforts by his family, especially his brother and sons, to "cash in on Joe’s political ties."

The Politico story packs a punch from the start, and goes on to detail seemingly countless instances of Joe being one or two degrees of separation from major corruption, bribery and 'pay to play' lobbying schemes, via the mediation of key family members.

The opening anecdote, introducing the scandal-plagued Paradigm Global Advisors, accused of being run as a personal funds account of sorts for the Bidens, is one recent major instance in a long dirty list of examples:



  1. Not to mention his recent very emphatic statement that he is "coming for the guns"...here is the quote..."Asked what he’d say to gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."
    That comment right there shows his ignorance. An "assault weapon" is fully automatic, my AR-15 is not. As a law abiding citizen, and a woman, I have every right to have my firearms, including my AR-15, and while I hope that day never comes, I will defend my family to my last breath. God help us if one of these ignorant politicians win the next election. People should find out what their Sheriff's position is-they are the last line of defense from an over reaching state/federal government...see what they say he/she will do if an illegal gun grab law is passed...

  2. The Burn-man got screwed by Hil-liar-y last election. Now he's gonna get it from "bite me"... cracks me up...


  3. The Gaffemaster was running his AssaultMouth again. Vocal chords and brain not linked although housed in same aged body. Recall his shotgun comment while riding shotgun for Obama. His handlers are definitely earning their money trying to keep him on the reservation (apologies to Fauxahontas).

  4. His chances come crashing down every time you put a live mic in front of that blithering fool.


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