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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Heading for civil war

Donald Trump's opponents are completely unhinged. The hate and slander directed toward the president and his supporters is off the charts. The vitriol comes not just from the Democratic Party, the media, and the world of entertainment, but also from a sizable proportion of the federal bureaucracy and many seemingly ordinary people.

The media coordinate this campaign and amplify the hate at every opportunity. Media twist every event, be it big or small, into a criticism of the president. The goal is always not just to present Trump in an unfavorable light, but to make him appear too loathsome for polite society. And Trump is not the sole target of this demonization. It is directed at his supporters, too.

Where will all this lead? No less than Angelo M. Codevilla fears that it could ultimately result in a bloody civil war. If it comes to that, there's no doubt where he places the blame.



  1. Bring it

    the pansy left....will be throwing flowers at us

    we will smash em

    bring it

  2. WHAT have I been saying on here x 2 yrs ? CIVIL WAR IS COMING TO SNOWFLAKES.

    1. 10:41-No one cares what you constantly state. Your hardly enlightening, and far from being a voice I'd listen to.

  3. They seem intent on it and boy will they regret it. Do not let them disarm you no matter what. Time for Trump to become EL PRESIDENTE and suspend the constitution and prosecute the leftist dingbats and send them all out of this country forever.

  4. Hell , I'm 76 years old and so looking for this war , I can actually say I will enjoy it , free at last .

  5. Don't want to see it. However, the moderates on the left either can not or will not control their party. At this rate, there will be war - the lefty loons are completely out of control.

  6. So who wins? We have the LGBTQ, "The Squad", Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Sanders, Warren, radical socialists, and every moon bat on earth on the one side vs. well armed patriots (millions), God fearing evangelicals, veterans, the men and women in blue, conservatives, and rational Americans on the other. Now that the lines are drawn, what is to be gained? Civil war is obviously not the answer, civil discourse and honest debate is better served. The problem is the one side does not believe in either civil discourse or honest debate so they have already lost. Trump is the "bitter pill" this country has needed for many administrations in that his business approach is better suited to deal with foreign policy, diplomacy, and the economy. The left needs to get a grip.

  7. Survived Viet Nam and will survive this one. This time the American people will praise and celebrate us, since we will win over Communism, ISIS, Radical Islam, Antifa, New Black Panthers. All of these radicals are on our shores and do not know their enemies, because we are every where.

  8. Real Americans are Always Ready baby !!! Bring it

    MAGA !!!! 2020 !!!!

  9. Never ever let anyone suspend the Constitution for any reason, you will never get it back. No one should ever have absolute power.

  10. NO one, ESPEC Demon-crats , are above the LAW !!!

    Incl Clintons / Pelosi /Sçhumer /Schiff /Cummings / Lynch

    Obama / Clapper / Comey / AOC / Fab 4 & More !!!

  11. The children can play North and South instead of cowboys and Indians.

  12. Red Necks are Ready baby !!! Bring it !!! We kick Ass !!!

  13. 956 how did you register your hands ??

  14. 10:41 You are really hung up on that SNOWFLAKES BS. Did you just learn that word and have to keep saying it over and over.? Get a damn life!

  15. Whites will win !!! So think about that !!! Majority WINS


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