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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Hannity grills NYC Mayor De Blasio in explosive interview

FULL INTERVIEW: 2020 hopeful Bill de Blasio clashes with Hannity in this Fox News exclusive. Hannity presses the big city mayor on violence against the NYPD, abortion restrictions, and his support of the Green New Deal.


  1. Shawn should have asked the fool big turd y didn't the police do the arrests WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING ?????

  2. NYC picked a real winner (not).

  3. And he couldn't give yes/no answers.

  4. His backing is what should bother us all.


  5. Comrade Conrad has to be completely desperate to make an appearance on Fox. SocialistDemocrats cross the street rather than look a Fox reporter in the eye. He'll be staying in the Rotten Apple before you can say Iowa county fair.

  6. SHOULD have asked were the $800000 his wife stole .?

  7. de Blasio is the biggest POS yet. They just don't come any more liberal and arrogant than this jerk.

  8. The worst mayor NY has ever had he did zero for NY and it's citizens, I can't imagine with his record he could even think anyone would believe him much less vote for him to be our President and Commander and Chief.


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