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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Gun Deaths Have Increased 78% in Maryland Since 2013

While the Baltimore Sun and other anti-gun groups are having fever dreams of further limiting gun rights, data paints a picture that further restrictions will make Maryland’s gun violence problem worse.

There has been a 78% increase in gun deaths in Maryland since 2013. That isn’t a coincidence: 2013 was when Maryland Democrats passed their signature Firearms Safety Act of 2013, colloquially known as SB281.

There’s not much more to say than that. The data speaks for itself. But the numbers don’t lie: gun control kills.



  1. You have to warehouse the criminal so theydon't repeat their crimes over and over again or exterminate them I would prefer the latter

  2. And for 2018 & 2019 ALL, not some, ALL of the gun murders came from just 3 counties. ALL.

    B-more County
    PG County
    MG County

    Strange. The Red counties arent having that problem.

  3. 10:17
    Aren't all 3 counties also sanctuary counties?

  4. Don't forget right here is a war zone too! We have gun play all the time!

  5. Northwest Woodsman: We all know who is responsible for gun related criminal activity. It is not those of us who respect others rights and obey the law. It is that 85% out there that will commit crimes until the last entry on their police rap sheet says “deceased”.

  6. And they still deny my Constitutional right to self protection in our Socialist State.

  7. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that the number of people who took the firearm safety class in Elijah Cummings district is probably lower than those in the rest of Maryland.

  8. Hogan and the Democrats leaders, Mike Miller, Elijah Cummings, Van Holland and Cardin has created a sanctuary State and MD has become an unsafe State. MD is different from other States. We are divided. You have the Baltimore / DC corridor against the rest of the State. This "line State" will be the beginning of another civil war so keep to your zones and don't come in my space.


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