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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Gilroy Shooting Suspect Santino William Legan Too Young to Buy Rifle in CA

Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting suspect Santino William Legan was too young to legally buy a rifle in California.

CNN reported Gilroy Police Chief Scot Smithee identifying Legan as the shooting suspect, noting that he was 19-years-old. He allegedly used an “assault style rifle” and fired at random.

On July 29, the Guardian reported that the suspect, now identified as Legan, entered the Garlic Festival through a hole in the fence in order to avoid security, which included metal detectors. The festival was an otherwise self-declared gun-free zone.

Legan allegedly shot and killed three people and wounded at least 12 others before being killed by police. ABC News reported that Gilroy Chief Smithee indicated officers engaged the suspect “within a minute of the shooting and killed him.”



  1. He bought the weapon in Nevada...legally.

  2. But never registered it in California...Illegal

  3. legan is the killer, not the rifle

  4. 11:56 but still purchased legally 1 state over...

  5. What does not registering it have to do with anything? How is registering guns supposed to stop crazy people from shooting children? Perhaps we should not allow people to buy a rifle that has no practical use whatsoever. If you are saying you need it to protect yourself from a tyrannical govt please remember that means 1)the government would have to be coming after you with the US military and 2) you ain't gonna do jack shit against the military cleatus

  6. 12:33 agreed. Should we also legalize pipe bombs and mustard gas?

    1. Yes 12:41
      If used correctly they are very effective

  7. Cigarettes legally purchased in Virginia are still contraband when cross state line into Maryland and Delaware. Also vehicles legal in other state are illegal to operate on ocean city.

  8. Cigarettes legally purchased in Virginia are still contraband when cross state line into Maryland and Delaware. Also vehicles legal in other state are illegal to operate on ocean city.

  9. I'm not going to argue about what state and what laws but how did he pass into a gun free zone with a gun?! It's a gun free zone! Was he illiterate!!!

  10. 1:12 only if you have more than 2 packs.

  11. Get more guns and have more shootings .

    1. 220

      go back to mommys basement

      let us grownups deal with life

  12. You missed 11:56 point. Even though it was purchased legally in Nevada. Bringing it into California without registering it makes it an illegal weapon and him a criminal. The point being a criminal with an illegal weapon shot up the place. More gun control would not have prevented this.

  13. It is not about the gun it is about the person behind it. look at London

  14. CCP Permitted In Every State Then This senseless mass shootings will stop !!!!


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