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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Fruitland McDonald's

This is horrible treatment of a local 18 year old with dwarfism, especially the employees laughing at him - I know there are many restaurants locally who would be honored to have him as a guest including yours I am sure!! 


  1. Who are “they”?

  2. Don't understand this, who is Sean and what was "she" scared of?

  3. Who is Sean and what was the perceived threat?

  4. Sean is a little person. Apparently the worker is terrified of them. Sad world we live in.

  5. I know Sean! His good spirit is towering over most people! Don't let them bring you down Sean! Glorify God!


  6. I know Sean; good guy with an ever present smile and good heart. Diligent student. Was given a challenge he didn't ask for but is making the best of it.

    Don't think firing the employee or manager is necessarily the answer but appears some additional training is in order for both. Perhaps the employee could be in less customer contact jobs until training is complete.

  7. Some people fear what they don't know or understand. Learning and openmindedness must prevail.

  8. The fear of Dwarfs is real and its called Achondroplasiaphobia. I have met people who claim to be Achondroplasiaphobia but never seen anyone freak out because of this.

    Yeah it seems insensitive to people who aren't phobic of much. However its no different than being afraid of clowns etc. I think its unfortunate but its not in Sean's control. He needs to be aware that people will have this reaction. So now he knows and when it happens again he will not be so shocked. This will happen again to him and he needs to begin to develop a way to handle it in the future.

    To the McDonald's employee, I am sure they feel bad about this. I am sure it could have been handled better. But it got handled and nobody needs to lose their job. Why does she need to be fired? For having an irrational fear?

    This is what this country has come to. Not this incident but the way this incident is being handled. This poster is doing nothing but trying to stir up out rage and sympathy. Please help your child deal with the reality. They have dwarfism. It makes them different. You need to get your child ready for the world not the world ready for your child.

    1. 10:48 That’s right put the blame on the disabled. I doubt seriously the employee feels bad. If she does it’s because she’s afraid she’s going to lose her job not because she has a conscious. Have you been to McDonald’s in Fruitland lately? Drop by sometime and interact with the employees. You’ll soon learn that odds are this employee was just being an ass. I doubt seriously she has “achondroplasiaphobia”. Here’s a thought. Maybe if people were raised right. Raised to have empathy for those less fortunate stuff like this wouldn’t happen. Don’t you think it’s easier for the person not disabled to understand how to handle situations than for a disabled person? The poster was trying to make people aware of a bad situation. Only someone with a horse in the race would see it differently 🤷‍♀️

    2. 3:31 your children get participation trophies, don’t they? 10:48 thank you for a spot on comment

    3. 3:31 Actually they don’t. In fact I never let them play recreational sports. That leads to a lot of work and never a reward. And then there are coaches like Coach Mitchell...but that’s another story for another time. It’s like this. I try to show empathy for people. It’s a shame you don’t.

    4. Who said he is disabled? Being a dwarf doesn’t mean he’s disabled.

    5. 5:35 Figures, sorry you were bullied as a child but maybe you just sucked at sports. I have empathy but what you sympathy, there’s a difference. FYI, working is a good thing for the kids.

    6. 10:01 First part of your comment makes no sense secondly Yes working is a great thing for kids. I agree. And no I wasn’t bullied in school lmao but good try. I also never played recreational sports because I wasn’t interested. Is that a problem? You see I know your type and you are exactly why I never let my kids play school sports. School sports is supposed to be about teaching the kids about the game, about being a team and about good sportsmanship. Unfortunatley that’s not how it works. I’ve watched it too many times. Not all the kids put in their time but if they are really good at a sport they will play anyhow. I’ve seen the same kids get kicked off teams over and over for throwing shit out of the bus at cars and other things. But guess what? They were put back on the team because it’s really only about winning. There are no consequences for bad behavior. So why would I want to teach my kids that? It’s a shame you think sports is the be all and end all of life. I bet you were a jock in school that liked to bully everyone. I see your spots haven’t changed. But carry on. You raise your kids to be jerks like you and I’ve raised mine to show empathy and sympathy. My children were raised right. Sorry yours aren’t.

    7. 2:03 didn’t have to write a book. What I get out of your ramblings is your kids will be rebellious when they leave your house because it’s do what the dictators say. Your the reason we have an opioid crisis.

    8. Ready for 2:03 to write a book about how great their kids are.Future little junkies

    9. 6:09 7:33 My kids are already out. They were gone by the time they were each 20. One is a journeyman plumber and the other is an accountant. What do your children do? Asking for a friend😉

    10. 6/09 and 7/33 See what happens when you ASSume?

    11. 10:39 I didn’t see any comments from 6/09 and just an FYI July only has 31 days. Nice comment though

    12. 12:15. You are hilarious! He was referring to 6:09 and 7:33’s comments. Lmao

  9. Some people are not raised right.

  10. Don't forget these are the employeed who demand 15.00 per hour

  11. Sean needs to get him a good & nasty attorney and he won't have to worry about buying anything from McDonalds
    They will settle fast

  12. What a SNOW FLAKE EMPLOYEE, she should have served the person with extra kindness. Do crossed eyed people up set her, blind people, etc.
    She has a lot of learning to do to enter the grown up world

  13. The parents of children with Diwns syndrome need to organize a group dinner at this McDonald's when the ignorant employee is working. Ir her manager needs to send her to sensitivity training or to work for a day or two at the Holly Center, so she can learn that there is no reason to be afraid or terrified of people with different abilities. As delicate as this employee is, a guess it's a good thing she isnt terrifies to serve or work with white, black and brown people who are tall or short, skinny and fat and speak with an accent. Wonder how she deals with transgenders and the purple hair crowd.

  14. There are actually phobias for various things in this world. Spiders, Clowns, clusters of holes in the skin, and yes, even dwarves.


    The person should not be fired for having this even though someone was offended.

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

    1. Could you show some proof this employee has achondroplasiaphobia. Or are you just talking out your arse?🤔

    2. 3:33 Sean is obviously a dwarf maybe he needs to get some help for his sensitivity. I have big ears and people make fun of them, I’m not crying to mommy

    3. The person who has achondroplasiaphobia actually has a disability. Where is your sensitivity to THAT?!!

    4. 5:43 How many people on the world suffer from achondroplasiaphobia? Do you know for a fact the employee has it? No you don’t. You are blowing smoke outta ur arse. You are either the employee, manager, family or friends of said employee. Either way your own the same level as McDonald’s employees and that ain’t saying much.

  15. You have to realize the caliber of people that work for McDonalds. My son worked there for a few months and was treated horrible and not given hours because he was autistic and the only white guy who worked there.

    I worked for there myself to supplement my income back in the eighties and most of the day shift workers were people who could not get a job anywhere else because they were previously incarcerated and were basically unemployable.

    The best thing is, file your complaint with the corporation, and take your business elsewhere.

    McDonalds is hurting anyway because that have lost most of their customer base.

    The quality of the food has gone downhill. Most of the menu items are frozen then reheated. We used to make pancakes and bisquits by scratch. Most stuff is frozen and then reheated in a microwave. Might as well go to the frozen section of your supermarket! Cheaper and better quality!

  16. Why does someone always need to be FIRED rather than EDUCATED?

    1. 3:26 they don’t, Sean needs to be less sensitive to people’s reactions and needs to stay off Facebook looking for sympathy

    2. You are just as bad as the employee. I’m sure Sean is use to people’s reactions. It’s not about looking for sympathy. It’s about showing respect for a human being.

  17. I’d say she’s racist against short people, because in this day after obama if you don’t agree with someone or fear them your just a racist !

  18. Whether or not the employee has a diagnosed fear is not the point. All she had to do was say, "Someone will be right with you" or a simple "excuse me" and go get someone else to serve the young man. What she did what truly not OK...and the other employees and some guests laughing? Wow. That's cruel. He was humiliated, embarrassed. This is discrimination, and it's no different than racial or religious discrimination!
    Those of you who don't see a problem with the employee's (or others') behaviors are just as cruel.


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