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Friday, August 23, 2019

Forget Gun Control: Knife Crime Is Plaguing U.K. (But You Can't Notice Who's Responsible!)

Guns are hard to get in Britain (although not that hard). So the more commonplace types of lethal interpersonal violence - notably underclass gang warfare - are stabbings with knives.

Where the soundtrack to a warm night in Chicago, Baltimore, or Detroit features gunshots, the corresponding audio for London, Birmingham, or Manchester is of metal blades penetrating human flesh.
This is quite a new thing. Yes, yes, I know about Jack the Ripper. Statistically, though - culturally - knife crime has not been a British thing.

Growing up working-class British in the years before mass immigration, I absorbed the idea that fighting with knives was sneaky and unmanly.



  1. We need to be proactive and outlaw all knives!!!
    Then all cars, than all.......................

  2. I love the “knives are bad!” messages they’re spending money on...by printing the messages inside boxes of FRIED CHICKEN!!

    Perhaps they should ban knives, that should work. Yeah, that it.

  3. According to the FBI, we prefer hammers and clubs. Anybody got a good club? Do they mean golf type or Alley Oop type?

  4. Knife, that's not a knife... crocodile Dundee...

  5. Walking Tall Club.. Homemade..Bring it On

  6. I think I would rather be shot than chopped to pieces??

  7. the UK is so far down the rabbit hole they actually refer to them as asians! which upsets the true asians! you are not allowed to even call them pakis which is where the majority of them are from! Kids in school are not allowed to recite ba ba black sheep since it's racists, and there word blackboard is frowned upon also along with a host of other triggering phrases and words! but hey the royal family is still in charge! just the biggest mafia family on earth! stole, slaughtered and murdered their way there! Germans all of them! so who's the real criminal here?


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