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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ethnic Studies’ Latest Ploy to Brainwash Kids

President Donald Trump told a rally last week: “We are all Americans. We all share the same home. We all share the same heart.” He cautioned that “the radical Democrats are trying to tear this country apart” with their divisive identity politics.

Warning to parents: Left-wing activists are using these same divisive tactics to target your kids’ schools and co-opt their young minds.

Across the country, leftists are demanding that public schools teach “ethnic studies.” Don’t be fooled by the title. Many of these courses demonize America’s past, label whites as oppressors, and convert students into “social justice organizers.”



  1. I would not be so concerned kids are not paying attention they are more obsessed with Kardashians and Fortnite. They have their own culture. They are not being indoctrinated at home school or church and adults clinging to fleeting values and nostalgic notions. Like it not they will be the ones wiping our asses and paying someone to burying us. They don't have to share our values or our American "Dream" they will find and fight for and define their own futures not clinging to our failures. Their is no Svengali boogie man turning them against us or our stagnate clinging compliant fantasies of past.

    1. What country are you living in? It is indeed happening to our kids, they are being taught to hate their white privilege, they are taught that blacks have been held down by the white man, that whites are the problem, that blacks are persecuted by our system, on and on, this is America, every citizen in this country is afforded life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but somehow whites are the boogie man oppressing everyone, TOTAL BS!!

  2. And yet again our President is 1,000 percent correct...


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