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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Elizabeth Warren is sorry...that she was caught

After her non-apology apology to American Indians for co-opting their ancestry for her own benefit, blonde, blue-eyed, high-cheekboned person of white color Massachusetts senator LieawathaPocahontas (D), law professor and wealthy woman now using the American name Elizabeth Warren, is changing again.

Arrogantly assuming that a speck of DNA and her high cheekbones would prove her outrageous claims to American Indian minority group affiliation, thus bypassing meritocracy for victimhood to get ahead, she took a genetic test to back up her claims. Her DNA tests proved that, like all humans, she had more common DNA with chimpanzees, but for some reason, she never tried to grease her way up the professional pole with that identity. And the American Indians, including the Cherokees whom she tribally, genetically, culturally appropriated, not accepting DNA as proof of tribal membership, forcefully rejected her as a relative.

The chimpanzees refused to comment about such a lying individual who shares some of their DNA.


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