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Thursday, August 08, 2019


Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York.

The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton.

The fliers were “hanging across the street from Stanley’s Bedding Furniture on East Main Street, between Maple Avenue and North Ocean Avenue,” according to MSN News.



  1. I'm sure, given it's NYC, there are a ton of cameras to catch the criminal posting those fliers... My guess is NYC's finest can catch those terrorists if they wanted to.

  2. The news media is stoking the fire with all of its fake and half truths. To all conservatives lets cancel our subscriptions to their newspapers and don't watch any more cable news and we'll see how long they last.

  3. MAGA Baby !!! Real Americans Vote for Trump !!!

    WE ain't Scared !!! Bring it We always Ready to kick ass

  4. Them cops can't catch a cold

  5. Just a form of voter intimidation. If you support/vote Trump you are going to be outed by the dems and sent to death camps. What's it going to be like as we get closer to the 2020 election?
    I'm concerned that when Trump wins re-election, someone will try to assassinate him because of the constant hate and misinformation spread daily on the MSM.

  6. Written and posted by little white kids who LOVE BEING scared for not being able to think for themselves. Enjoy being disrespected and humiliated for being white. TOO AFRAID TO FIGHT. So they run around in the dark of night with leaflets. Wearing hoods. Yeah the new and improved DEMOCRATS KKK.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Seems as though the Marxist leftist democrats are closely but incrementally slipping into the full Nazi mode and it is becoming more evident every day. As a Jedburgh here in Washington behind Marxist line, I suppose I will be one of the first to be slated for internment in a re-education camp. But I can tell them up front that it will not be worth the cost to them to try and remove me.


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