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Friday, August 23, 2019

Cops & Courts – August 23, 2019

Hit-And-Run Collision Alleged
OCEAN CITY — An Ocean City woman was arrested on suspected drunk-driving and hit-and-run charges this week after allegedly colliding with another vehicle on Coastal Highway and fleeing the scene.

Brother Versus Brother Assault
OCEAN CITY — A Brookeville, Md. man was arrested on assault charges after allegedly attacking his brother during a domestic dispute about who was supposed to be staying at their father’s north-end condo.

More Scrapping Brothers
OCEAN CITY — Two Pennsylvania men were arrested on assault and other charges last week after allegedly scrapping with security at a midtown bar after being told to leave and never come back.

Identity Theft Charges
OCEAN CITY — An Ocean View woman was charged with identity fraud and other counts last week after allegedly attempting to gain entry to a downtown bayside bar with a stolen passport.

Arrest After Causing Scene
OCEAN CITY — A Fort Washington, Md. man was arrested on disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charges last weekend after allegedly causing a scene along a crowded highway in the middle of a summer afternoon.

Assault Arrest Over Stolen Skateboard
OCEAN CITY — An Ocean City man was arrested on assault and other charges last week after a reported dispute over an alleged stolen skateboard at a downtown residence.

Refused To Leave Bar
OCEAN CITY — Two Newark, Del. men were arrested on various charges last week after failing to leave a midtown nightclub after being told to do so multiple times by police.


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