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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Charles Barkley Says Voting Democrat Has Not Elevated Black People

Broadcaster and former NBA star Charles Barkley slammed the Democrat Party in the wake of Tuesday’s debates, saying that the party has done little to elevate most blacks in America.

The former Phoenix Suns star was in the audience during the July 30 Democrat presidential debates, but the former player was not impressed by what he saw telling reporters that “every black person I know has always voted Democratic,” but most are “still poor” despite that support.

Barkley went on to slam the Democrats for ignoring minorities, saying, “It’s an economic thing, and that’s what both parties have been neglecting, especially the Democratic Party,” according to Yahoo News.

“Every black person I know has always voted Democratic, and with the exception of a few guys who can play sports, all those people are still poor,” Barkley continued.

The TNT commentator added that he said the same thing in 2017 and no progress has occurred.



  1. Stop listening to all the media and just start thinking for yourself for once people
    Politicians and the media always lie to everyone always

  2. I guess Charles is under the impression that the Dems have actually done stuff that benefits the average poor white person? Go to Appalachia some time and see that decades of Democratic control hasn't benefited the white people either.

  3. I bet he gets fired from ESPN or whichever liberal network he works for.

  4. When the blacks stop following people like Rev Al, Jessie Jackson and think for themselves and stop looking for a handout they will get ahead.

  5. They Reap what they Sew !!!!

  6. Someday They ,(Blacks) will Vote Republican & take their
    heads out of the sand !!!

    Then America will be United as ONE !!!

  7. Times are slowly changing. A part of my volunteer job is to help people register to vote. The last 3 African American who have signed up all chose "unaffiliated".


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