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Friday, August 30, 2019

Biologically Male D1 Runner Switches To Women’s Team For Senior Year

A biologically male runner in the NCAA’s top division is competing in women’s cross country this fall.

June Eastwood, who identifies as a transgender woman, will represent the University of Montana at a cross country meet Saturday.

Eastwood competed on the men’s track and cross country teams through May 2018, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported. “I felt like I still had more years in me, and that I would regret it later on if I didn’t at least try to do what I am doing,” Eastwood told the local paper, describing the decision to compete on the women’s team.



  1. So wrong on so many levels. They should be competing only with others of same classification. Oh well if there is not enough to compete with.

  2. So sick of these weirdos.

  3. first u want equal treatment and now u don’t. Make up your mind women!!

  4. The women in these events should start banding together and sitting out any races he is in.

  5. It's s scary time in America with these freak shows running around. It's ridiculous to see them when they approach their 50's-60's and still attempt to pass themselves off as women.


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