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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Biological Male 'Jessica' Yaniv Can't Go Swimming Because 'She' Forgot 'Her' Tampons

Dear Readers, be warned that what you're about to read will likely be deemed hate speech by the thought police; Google may very well deem me worthy of internet jail because I'm about to contradict the left's orthodox teachings on sexuality and gender. Without further ado, here is the spiteful statement that will earn me the label of bigot:

Biological men cannot have periods and do not need tampons.

Did anyone born prior to this century ever think that statement would be necessary? I didn't. No doubt, neither did you, yet here we are. "Jessica" Yaniv, a man who pretends to be a woman, tweeted yesterday, "My period started so ya, couldn’t go into the pool. But it was so much fun! Forgot my tampons in my other bag fml."



  1. This is obviously a deranged person; never ever let this person get hold of an AR.

  2. And, LO, just like that, the twitter page is gone...nuttier than a squirrel nest

  3. these activists argue that a homosexual orientation is fixed and immutable, they incoherently claim that gender is fluid and changeable. Caitlin Ryan, a gay activist, clinical social worker and researcher at San Francisco State University spoke of this shift in our cultural mindset:

    "I think the fluidity of gender is the next big wave in terms of adolescent development… Gender has become part of the defining way that youth organize themselves and rebel against adults."1

    In short, a profound deconstruction of gender is taking place within every arena of society that undermines the fundamental order established by God Himself — reflecting the very essence of who He is and who we were created to be. And when God's order is deconstructed and redefined, the consequences for gender, sexuality, individuals, marriage, family, and society are profound and far-reaching.

  4. Joe please post the video of fredo from the godfather lol.

  5. 10:51 you let it be this way

  6. And the Libbies empathize. Cracks me up ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

  7. Thanks... i just threw up in my mouth!

  8. "jessica" if you happen to be reading this please pay attention to what I am about to say. Now read this very slowly,more than once if you have to so you can understand it. Here goes: If, in fact, you are bleeding out of you're "vagina", I suggest you see a Urologist pronto!!! Something is VERY wrong down there!!

  9. Biological male? How about just male, with pretense at being female?

  10. Original sin and our banishment from Eden was from partaking of a substance that made us self aware and separated us from the blind bliss of Animals and conscious not only of ourselves but of the man behind the curtain that since we have dared to give a name and further rebel against and self identify as whatever we see fit. Ignorance was bliss and even compliant participation in creation is now so far convoluted from it's innocent source that no amount of worship or prayer will save us. Animals don't worry about these things. They eat sleep procreate and die. They don't thrive and survive selfishly destroying themselves and creation building and consuming like a plague. Justified by their self awareness and daring a creator and then begging for forgiveness. It's like a not so wholesome Disney Movie.

  11. Disgusting POS!!!

  12. "She" can't go swimming because she can't swim. Too stupid to learn. The "period" thing is just an excuse to try and cover up her stupidity, and inability to swim.

  13. If anyone still doesn't think Transgenderism is a mental illness, this person should remove all doubt.

  14. I'd like to give him reason to need Tampons. I would put my size 13 foot up his ass.

  15. Tampons are for his back side bleeding

    sick azz pervert....

    jerk belongs in a freak show circus


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