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Thursday, August 01, 2019

“Bike Supremecy” is Ruining Everything

I have been writing about the organized cycling movement for years. When I started, few were aware of the organized cycling lobby and their ever increasing influence on policy. With their success has come the realization by the public of what they wanted actually means. It has led to a bikelash throughout the country and on the local level. At the head of the bikelash have been the fearless writers at the New York Post who years ago coined the term “Privileged Class” to described cyclists.

They have been hitting a lot of nails on their heads the last couple of weeks.

If you listened to last week’s Red Maryland Radio, I shared this piece from the New York Post discussing the inanity of cycling as transportation policy and the futility of the notion that cycling on roads with cars and trucks can be made safe. Here are some great quotes from the article:



  1. At least they wear helmets and are not as noisy as Motorcyclists and in far better shape. I don't need too hear your HOG or your rice burner.

  2. Make Roads Safe by Keeping Bikes OFF the roads !!! Period

  3. Keep Bike LANES off the Unsafe areas of road they have
    been Placed on !!!! Insane

    There needs to be >> NO Bike Zones / NO Bike Roads !!!

  4. These bike lanes all over the city are the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They cannot maintain what is already have, to add hundreds more miles of lines is just ridiculous.

  5. Roads are built for motorized vehicles that can blend and travel together. Bicyclist are not capable of meeting that task. The spandex warriors should not expect motorists to bow down to them, they are not the majority in this case. They are risking their lives and possibly the well being of their families if they are the bread winner, by becoming disabled or even killed in an accident on roads built for motor vehicles. Such a tragedy effects all involved daily for the rest of their lives. Bicyclist need to ride defensively knowing it's better to give drivers their space and avoid a possibly catastrophic accident.

  6. Sucks for us as a new bike lane is on its way up on Waverly Drive.

  7. Time to start requiring bikes to be registered and insured and all bicyclists to be licensed if they are going to be on roadways. If it is required for a car then it should be the same for bikes if they are to share the road.

  8. STOP these Bike Freaks NOW from ruining our Roads
    that are made for motor vehicles NOT Bikes !!!!

  9. Bike lane on waverly ?? So stupid

  10. Their all just plain stupid
    Who in their right mind would ride with their back to traffic going 50-60 mph
    Never see it coming
    Plain stupid
    But then again if you must
    Then go for it


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