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Friday, August 23, 2019

Bernie Sanders wants to double union membership and allow federal workers to strike

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is proposing a radical re-working of federal workplace law with the aim of swelling the ranks of organized labor.

The Democratic presidential candidate’s “Work Place Democracy Plan,” released Wednesday, would end state right-to-work laws, make union organizing radically easier, and even give federal workers the right to strike.

“When Bernie Sanders is president, we will make it easier, not harder, for workers to join unions by implementing the Workplace Democracy Plan and establishing a national goal to double union membership during his first term in office,” the campaign said.



  1. thats how commie gain control. union corrution, union thugs, dictated dues. control of the worker politic is paramout!! its no longer about the betterment of the persons involved!! they and their union buddies HAVE SCREWED US!!! did you all hear that great sucking sounds south!! did unions help then!! F no

  2. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


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