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Monday, August 26, 2019

Bernie and the Democrats: How Anger Makes You Stupid

In case you missed it, or are exclusively a reader of the New York Times, late last week Bernie Sanders tweeted this nugget: "Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused."

No, that wasn't The Onion or The Babylon Bee. It was the real deal. The always-furious Vermont senator wants to incarcerate the very people who are responsible for keeping the lights on and the air conditioners running in the operating rooms of almost every hospital, not only in America but across the globe. And that's just the beginning of the myriad necessities of human life provided for at this point in human history by these supposed criminals in the eyes of the self-described democratic socialist of the multiple houses and private jets.

Crazy, no? Crazy, yes. Crazier than the proverbial hoot owl. And mighty angry.



  1. Lets call them what they are , f#%king morons !

  2. Not only does Bernie sound the part of loon, he looks it. This guy is a left wing liberal socialist and seems to want to convert an entire nation to his way of thinking. Why doesn't he just cut to the chase and leave America and go where he is more comfortable.

  3. The Burn Man got screwed by Hil-liar-y. Now he's gonna be screwed by Bite me Biden...


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