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Sunday, August 11, 2019

At least 9 dead, 16 injured in mass shooting in downtown Dayton, Ohio: Police

In the second mass shooting in less than 14 hours, at least nine people are dead and more than a dozen wounded after someone opened fire in downtown Dayton, Ohio, early Sunday, according to police.

In addition, the suspected shooter was shot and killed by responding officers. Police said they are only aware of one shooter.

Authorities responded quickly to the shooting, first reported at 1 a.m., and said police are regularly present in the crowded district popular with tourists and locals.

Miami Valley Hospital spokesperson Terrea Little told ABC News that they have received 16 victims from the shooting in the Oregon District. She did not provide further information on their injuries.



  1. They haven't said who the perpetrators were but given the rhetoric of the left as well as previous actions (like the shootings in DC a couple years ago where Steve Scalise was shot as well as other Republican targets) it wouldn't at all surprise me if it was somehow connected to antifa or other leftists groups.
    They are the ones who want a bloody revolution.
    Sad, so sad.

  2. I believe they are brainwashed millinials doing it and the media just points out how it's a white dude.

    1. So true, brainwashed by alt right rhetoric and Steven Miller.

  3. We need more people carrying so this can be stopped short. Let's all guess; this was in a gun-free zone, yes?

    When seconds count, police are only minutes away...

  4. Right away CNN stating WHITE SUPREMICY I say they are MILLINIAL DEM SHOOTERS.

  5. 8:45. Right wing extremists have been responsible for almost every mass shooting over the past year (up to 250 now). Name one person who has been killed by Antifa.

    1. guess we will see come Sept.1

  6. Another False Flag Event done by Mk Ultra...The Deep State is now Over Playing their hand. Patriots and Qanons and followers have caught on to their antics. They are evil at best and don't care how many innocent people killed or hurt. The Deep State are in panic mode and they will stop at nothing to get our guns and take down POTUS. Be awake and aware as we are in the battle to save America.

  7. Amazing how the gun man are of the MILLINIAL SNOWFLAKE age.

  8. So, of course the left is1. blaming Trump and 2. insisting on more gun control.
    Of course each of these people has armed guards. Love the hypocrisy of the left.

  9. Need New Law where these monsters who do Terrorism
    are Declared a WAR CRIMINAL / Loose citizen status /
    turned over to the Military for a Quick Trial and
    Execution by Firing Squad !!! Period

    No more treating them as U.S civilians , where Justice is
    a joke !!!

    Need a Deterrent People / Wake UP

    1. No deterrant will work, these mass killers are suicidal

  10. 9:44 you are spot on. Yesterday CNN focused the entire evening on it and one witness said it took 45 minutes before anyone came near her. Who wants to wait 45 minutes to feel secure? If you have a weapon the shelter in place is really just holding your position.

  11. I've been on the road listening to public radio all morning. They are already blaming Trump and the NRA despite knowing nothing about last night's shooter.

  12. I tend to agree with 8:45am.. these recent shootings, especially in El Paso look very much like they may be false flag attacks designed to stir up sentiment to ban some/all 'assault-type' weapons.

    There are many things about these shootings (like the anti-Mexican 'manifesto') that would make it look like the leftists' "White Nationalist" boogeymen in action.

    You will remember the leftists speaking of violence in August. Antifa especially.

    Would these perps risk dying to make it look like conservatives going radical? Of course.

    I doubt if we will be able to get much accurate background on these perps. It will be designed to fit the narrative.

    Here we go...

  13. Another Psyop by intelligence

  14. I think 8:45am is on the right track.

    You'll remember the leftists spoke of violence/trouble this summer, especially during August.

    And the way the perps (especially El Paso) laid out a scenario of "White Nationalist" violence against 'Mexican invaders'.

    "White Nationalist" is the leftist boogeyman-du-jour.

    And of course, they were both conspicuously using "Assault Weapons".

    I am very skeptical about all this.. it looks like there are false flag attacks in progress as a setup for advancing the leftist agenda.

  15. Add Chicago's numbers and you have a great weekend for funeral directors, grave diggers, ambulance drivers, emergency room doctors, slimy dirt bag gun hating politicians!

  16. Terrorists need to be Declared a WAR Criminal & then
    to be a Military matter , Not Cilvilian matter !!! ASAP NOW

  17. What is most disturbing is we have accepted these incidents as a new Norm. I don't think anyone carrying could have saved anyone it would just be an even greater wild west fantasy shit show shoot out and more victims. These fat asses that carry cant wipe their behind much less quick draw and shoot anything after they have crapped their pants. None of this is about guns.......there is something far more disturbing and apathetic about these attacks. It's disturbed and volatile people gone around the bend for attention or whatever.

  18. funny how you all say “False Flag” only when a white guy shots up the place....

  19. For years you all say “it’s a comin’” “civil war is comin’ “tick tock” Then when these dudes start firing you are all like, “false flag”. Every freaking time.

    1. Your the person that says that! Own it

  20. These incidents shows me the Democrats and their snowflakes are responsible NOT Trump or NRA. Use your common sense. The more the Democrats push violence and condemn the Police when doing their job instead of following the law and punish these perpetrators to the max the more incidents there are. Democrats refuse to allow them punished and they want liberal Judges that are to lenient in the sentences. The Psychologist / Psychiatrist are not reporting to the FEDREAL Government as required by law. Truth hurts the Democrats and that is why they always condemn others.

  21. Yep, time is up for the corrupt.

  22. Dems antifa Soros want a civil war and they are going to wish they hadn't.

    1. Dem media aka CNN PMSNBC keep saying "WHITE NATIONALIST" They are putting a TARGET ON ALL WHITE PEOPLE.

  23. Boy you people really have swallowed the kool aid and bought into these false conspiratorial divisions that ultimately don't exist out side the big MEDIA show. We are still all Americans and neighbors we use to have respectful differences and the manners to be and let so and when a crisis accord we all pitched in. This current climate is so volatile......Just what exactly is everyone so threatened by ? It's the same ole shit it always was. Get a second job go back to school get a hobby volunteer some where. Bitchy and moaning and posturing has never been the American way.

  24. 10:53
    You are right for the most part.
    Mr Trump is part of the show

    It is MK Ultra (mind control - Psyop)

    But both fake sides are part of it. It (Intelligence, Deep State) is a part of the international banking dynasty. They truly have checkmated society. They believed they were destined to rule over us, and they now do. Almost complete control of society through media and technology.

    Time to hunker down

  25. Anon 1205 PM: You might be on to something. August is often referred to as the "Silly Season" in journalism due to the lack of anything going on in DC as well as Europe going on holiday. Something has to be stirred up in order to keep them from reporting on superfluous stuff like Hollywood BS and whatnot. The shootings in both TX and OH are very real indeed. I think that the shooter that surrendered should be tried and when found guilty, immediately grant both of his appeals and then perform a public execution. Or better yet, release him in the middle of the night and only the families of his victims will know the exact time; justice will prevail regardless. ✔

    Just my two-cents.

  26. Meanwhile 13 shot last Friday in Baltimore 6 dead..Crickets

  27. El Paso bernie supporter. Ohio was a registered democrat. The El Paso nuts manifesto is online. He hates big business and believes big business is behind immigration so wages can be kept low he hates plastic bags too and is a big environmentalist.

  28. My first thought was this was probably done by Dems who have an agenda no mater what - make Trump look bad. Then I thought that was a crazy thought but I'm just not sure it is.

  29. Call it what it is , the NRA IS a terrorist organization

    1. FU 8:39 - you know damn well who the terrorists are and you're one of them you queer illegal loving bleeding heart f**king liberal asswhole

  30. No one ever reports on the political affiliation of the killers. In every incident except Las Vegas, the killers were Democrats!
    More proof that Democrats are Nuts!


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