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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Apartments In Downtown Salisbury


  1. Is that in the Salisbury hood ? I bet NOT.

  2. Did jim n Jake give him the property for pennies on the Tax payers $$$$$$$ ?

  3. A lot of Salisbury's old downtown buildings have good bones.

  4. Jake and his cronies are about to flood Salisbury with "affordable" housing. Their stating therest 600 applicants waiting. I guess they've caught on and realized Salisbury and Jake Day will just give free shit to everybody

  5. Is this low income housing?

    1. Will be just like the Shithole "Art" apts.

  6. And when SU crashes (which is inevitable soon) when the student loan bubble bursts and when the next recession gets here....who exactly is going to live in these apartments?

    And even if some SU students move in...are you willing to share a wall with parties at 2AM, weed wafting under the door?

    1. How much is the New SU PRESIDENT making $600.000 of kids $$$$$$

  7. You all forget Jake said Salisbury would be the next Baltimore Harbor do you not believe, where is your faith in your child mayor?

  8. It was a while ago but I worked downtown for a while and prehistoric cockroaches climbed out of the pipes of the toilet. Exterminator said they’d never get rid of those things.

  9. Palmer Gillis...a snake in the grass.

  10. It will house a bunch of section 8ers and college brats. Give it up you jackasses who do anything to appease gay Day.

  11. since gay libs support Muslims do they realize they are going to be the first off the roofs lolololololol.

  12. I can't understand the apartment condo craze we already have all of the city of Salisbury every house over one floor is a condo, check it out 10+ vehicles to every house, backyard and side yard parking lots. High fences to hide the fact half of those vehicles behind the fences have expired tags, or no tags they just switch them to which they want to use for the moment. They alter the expiration dates with magic markers, think I'm kidding NOT. We need ICIS to check how many immigrants are hiding here and probably most with wanted records. Elect KING AS YOUR NEXT MAYOR OR IT WILL GET EVEN WORSE!!!!!!

  13. Vote in all newbies.......no constituents, or familiar faces ,Just vote for totally new people who will do the people's will, not their own or a bunch of crooked cronies.

  14. @August 10, 2019 at 8:47 AM . You're exactly right. Two houses down from me had ONE family move in with ONE car at each. Now there are four cars at one and three at the other. And the cars hardly ever move. How do you afford a home like that and not go to work?


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