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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Alexander: Elijah Cummings IS a Racist

A racist is generally defined as “a person who demonstrates discrimination or prejudice against people of another race, or believes that their own race is superior to others.” That definition aptly describes Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, based on his demonstrable black supremacist views.

But the definition of racist also includes one who suppresses people based on their race, and that defines the policies Cummings and his Democrat Party have forced on black Americans for generations.

That’s especially true in Cummings’s predominantly black congressional district, which covers more than half of Baltimore city. He has represented that district since 1996 — and before that his city district in the Maryland state house for 13 years — with nothing but misery to show for it. In other words, he’s a career politician who depends on keeping black people dependent, and it’s a family affair: His wife is chairwoman of the Maryland Democrat Party. Recall back in 1999 when Cummings declared in a congressional hearing, “I left my community of Baltimore, a drug-infested area… The same children that I watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up now walking around like zombies.” It has gotten much worse under his “leadership” and that of Baltimore’s Democrat machine over the last two decades.

The political platform of Cummings’s socialist Democrat Party is crafted by “poverty pimps” — and founded on the failed so-called “Great Society” programs, which have kept poor people, particularly black people, perpetually enslaved on urban poverty plantations for generations.

More here


  1. Do an evaluation of every Congressperson for poverty districts and you will discover that each of them has become stinking rich through corruption.

  2. 2 Terms for the Germs !!!!

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEAugust 2, 2019 at 8:04 PM

      there is a 28th Admendent petition floating around
      that specifies 2 terms

      please find and sign this

  3. Cummings and all democrats are racists. It's the democrats who have allowed the bad conditions in the areas they represent to get to the point they have because to democrats they are just poor blacks they do not matter. The democrats inherent racism is on full display. Instead of focusing on the deplorable conditions they are busy trying to twist Trump's tweets. Typical racist democrat response-defect from any problems. But blacks must love living with rats and in trash strewn crime ridden poverty stricken neighborhoods because they keep on voting democrat so who are we to try and change anything. They love living in filth.


  4. Given that Harm City and its surroundings are represented exclusively by long serving Democrats the responsibility is inescapable. The President should continue to point this out.

  5. Cummings wife is now being Investigated by the IRS for perjury at her "Non Profit".

    1. Who is going to investigate her ? MR CUMMINGS ?

  6. The investigation was mentioned weeks ago. Hogan said he wanted Frosh to investigage. Yeah that will happen! If you remember correctly Mr. Cummings was using the IRS to go after conservatives a few years back.


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