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Monday, August 05, 2019

After Trump’s tweets, conservative activist leads neighborhood clean-up in West Baltimore

Many a morning, 58-year-old Millie Jefferson finds herself outside her home in West Baltimore, sweeping her front steps and picking up trash on her block. Monday, she had some unexpected visitors.

Dozens of volunteers gathered near her home on North Fulton Avenue and started bagging garbage and weeding, too. They were inspired by Scott Presler, a Republican activist from Northern Virginia who started a social media campaign to help clean up Baltimore’s 7th district in the wake of President Donald Trump’s tweets about it last weekend.

“We can’t do it alone,” Jefferson said. “It makes me feel good to see that there are still some good people and good communities that want to see better.”



  1. Young entrepreneurs are setting up food stands at the National Harbor, selling Rat-Kabobs!

  2. Red flag laws are for DemocRATs.

  3. Rat lunchmeat will be served for school lunches in all Baltimore schools by order of the Mayor.
    The resulting savings of funds will be used for setting up of drug injection sites for all of the dope users in the city.
    These sites will have Narcan available for overdoses.

  4. Another rah rah rah feel good story!! You can't clean up a city until you clean up the corruption that is supposedly leading it

  5. May God bless her,where’s the politicians at?

  6. So where is Cummings. Oh that's right, he has to attend more, get Trump meetings, and figure out what his aids will get him for lunch everyday.

  7. Agree that nothing much will come of this until the corruption is ferreted out. The last two mayors are proof in the pudding; where there is smoke there is fire.

  8. Hey, at least it is a start to clean it up even if it is just trash and not the corruption... But hey I don't see any of you dumb-asses trying to clean up SBY from trash or corruption.... You just sit there complaining about what you help cause... By either voting wrong or not voting...

    1. 8:41 I’m not a Salisbury resident but I am interested in just what YOU have done to make it better🤔

  9. It's ALL a FEEL GOOD story until they get shot. Better be gone before the rats Wake up.

  10. Is Elijah there? Probably not ... he don't give a rats a** LOL!


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