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Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Da' Bury Is Now CONE CITY!

These pictures were taken today in the Salisbury City limits: Rt. 13, Zoo, Seasons' Best Antique Shop, Govt Office Building, Main Street, Carroll Street, Maryland Ave, Riverside Drive, Pinehurst Ave & Rt 50.

You are a smart businessman, Joe! Want to go in the orange cone and barrel business?!


  1. Jake will find some way to count each cone as a visitor to the Folk Festival.

  2. Jake Day has ruined this city.

    1. Yes bc the same welfare idiots keep VOTING for him $$$$$$


  3. I'm appalled. What insensitivity. After quelling all prejudice by making selected crosswalks out of every paint color on sale Joke goes and drops turdlets on the street in only black and white. That leaves at least 62 colors still in the box unused, butt hurt and in search of a safe space.

  4. I think our mayor just likes the color orange.

    1. He should be wearing a jumpsuit that color after all of the shady deals he's pulled


    This guys is a grade A-Moron.

  6. It's all for the festival don't you know they have dragged their heels and now it's the big push.

  7. What's going on anyway, I'm seeing tall grass everywhere along the side of roads and grass and weeds covering road signs. Isn't anybody doing their jobs anymore. Even the road behind mall is still closed. Sad time in Salisbury.

  8. I sent a letter to your website about Waverly Street but did not see it published. Maybe I did it wrong,but this new bike configuration is going to be a death to some motorists. The car lanes are to narrow and I expect a lot of collisions there. How much space do bicyclist need. Jerk Day needs to be removed. Hopefully Mr.King will rid us voters of Jake Day. Can't understand how Day gets away with this.

  9. Restore the Salisbury flag while you'er at it.

  10. The doctors and staff at PRMC don’t like the new configuration. What about emergency vehicles entering the hospital off of Waverly? There’s no place to pull over to let the emergency vehicles pass.

  11. Did the coroner leave them after each pick up?

  12. What are the crazy zebra things on Waverly? Are they temporary or permanent?

    All Day has done is make people avoid driving in all the area he thinks he is improving. Defeats his own purpose.


  13. It's all going to be done by the time the Folk Festival rolls around.
    Hurry up!

  14. They are signs of progress idiots!!!

  15. It is BIKE HELL city !!!!

  16. RUN down those lib cones.

  17. Will they put a bike counter on Waverly drive like they do to measure vehicle traffic?

  18. I'd like to know who got the contract and how much Day paid for use of those cones? Would be interesting since they are rented and obviously Day rented alotπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  19. Finally a reasonable explanation.

    He's all in a tizzy about green, green, green. Heard conifers help save glaciers so ordered lots to be planted. Major communication snafu resulted in cones being planted everywhere instead of conifers. But there are enough so each folked fest attendee can take one home as a souvenir of their visit to the 'bury.

  20. What is taking so long for the construction to get done it’s been 4 years.

  21. The park has become basically impossible to navigate around. People have slammed into the curbs set up for bike lanes, you can see the black tire marks, and where the cement curbing is broken off, all brand new being destroyed and paid for with your taxes build, and your money to fix your car.. All the stuff in the middle of the roads. Lines painted so far off, you can't have 2 way traffic without driving into the bike lanes. Peoples garbage cans, on garbage days, set basically in the middle of the road now in some places.
    Someone is going to get run over down there.
    And what happened to the cannon? Any one know?

  22. Anything for the Damn Bike Democrats !!!!

  23. Cone Heads run the town !!!!

  24. Worst case of Salisbury Dementia Syndrome I've ever seen! Now it's the cones, zoo, fireboat, paint jobs, events....and on & on.


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