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Sunday, August 11, 2019

680 workers arrested by ICE at Mississippi processing plant

MORTON — U.S. immigration officials raided numerous Mississippi food processing plants Wednesday, arresting 680 workers, most of whom are Latinos, in what marked the largest workplace sting in at least a decade.

The raids, planned months ago, happened just hours before President Donald Trump was scheduled to visit El Paso, Texas, the majority-Latino city where a man linked to an online rant about a “Hispanic invasion” was charged in a shooting that left 22 people dead in the border city.

Workers filled three buses — two for men and one for women — at a Koch Foods Inc. plant in Morton, 40 miles east of Jackson. They were taken to a military hangar to be processed for immigration violations. About 70 family, friends and residents waved goodbye and shouted, “Let them go! Let them go!” Later, two more buses arrived.

A tearful 13-year-old boy whose parents are from Guatemala waved goodbye to his mother, a Koch worker, as he stood beside his father. Some employees tried to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.



  1. About time they start doing more of this, now start fining the companies doing the hiring some major cash. This is the best and cheapest way to end illegal immigration. If the companies face heavy fines they will quit hiring illegals and without any jobs they will quit coming.

  2. You could do this literally any day of the week in Georgetown

  3. ICE did there job, and those people carted off should have done theirs by getting LEGAL entry, you rolled the dice and you paid the price. No excuse for it.

  4. Get em the hell out of this country.

    There should be heavy fines or maybe jail time for the company and management.

  5. Yes, these people were wrong to come here illegally, BUT AT LEAST THEY WERE WORKING! 🙂

  6. koch foods poultry processing plant. I know where there's a couple of poultry processing plants around here, that maybe, I dunno know, ought to be looked into? fine the owners millions so other will know better! ain't that how it works for the average citizen?

  7. Salisbury perdue.

  8. Not only Georgetown but every single meat and chicken processing plant in the country. And yes I feel sorry for them because they were working but these companies have gotten rich off the backs of illegals and liberal immigration policies. They lie and say they can't get workers. They can get workers. They just don't want to pay them. Put a sign up 20 dollars and hr starting and see how quick they get employees.

  9. America loves a cheap whore,

  10. if they paid $20 an hour that would be less millions in perdue/allen/tysons, etc, pockets! along with less money for the politicians they own!

  11. I still don't think many people would do that kind of work even for $20 an hour. They might last a day and then quit.

  12. I'll bet that the companies owners don't get in trouble . Sound familiar? There is a golf club in New Jersey as well that the owners did not get in trouble

  13. These people aren't causing problems.. and they are WORKING! Trying to better things for themselves and their families!

    Why are we treating them like criminals! The Criminals are the people hiring these people... arrest them!

    What is wrong with us?!?

    If they couldn't get jobs, they wouldn't come for the money.... it is really THAT simple!

    Arrest and fine and shut down businesses that hire illegals.

    I'm not heartless, nor cruel... and I hurt for these people.


  14. Some jobs have been and will be distasteful for a variety of reasons. So all of these jobs could be filled by the exact same workers if they had only taken the time to get legal admittance. And, yes, it's not as fast a process as getting a false ID.

    No sympathy for any boss who knowingly hires an illegal. OTOH, many of the documents proffered look genuine, and there are sanctions on employers who seek documentation beyond specified IDs. Catch-22.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: All very good comments this morning and I fully agree. This appears to be a successful raid which is surprising because it was a government operation. All of this could be alleviated if the government was serious about the illegal alien employee issue. If employers received significant fines and punishment for hiring illegals, the source of work would dry up and there would be a significant decrease in the foreign invasion. Another and maybe a more significant issue are the free benefits that are handed out to illegals like free housing, medical treatment, drivers license, school tuition and the list goes on and on. Any incentive that entices them to head for our border must be eliminated or this threat will never cease

  16. That's 680 American Jobs that were STOLEN !!!

  17. 680 who paid NO Taxes & Stealing OUR Benefits !!!!!

  18. When I first moved to the shore and drove between work in Salisbury, gransonville, chesterton and berlin I would see the white immigration buses or blue vans on an almost daily basis. Havent seen one now in years.

  19. Thank you 9:48
    As the the other idiots,....
    Americans do not want those jobs you fool

  20. All jobs Will be filled with Real / Legal Americans don't worry

    Get the Illegals OUT who are stealing Jobs /Benefits & Not
    paying Taxes !!!!

    Jobs will HAVE to be filled , & the companys will just have to
    do right from now on , and PAY properly , NO more slave
    labor wages !!!!

  21. Now, there is a PECO shortage !!! LOL


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