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Saturday, August 10, 2019

2019 white marlin winner (and first WMO two-time winner)


  1. Good for him now pay your tax.

  2. Congratulations
    But how is it the 3rd place winner won more money than the 1st and 2nd??
    That is what is posted on the white marlin website??

  3. 9:26:
    There are different betting categories, called "Calcutta's".
    Depending on which one you have entered is the factor in how much you can win.
    About 10 or so years ago, a young kid had one of the top fish. He was not in any "high end" Calcutta, and got basically nothing for the #1 catch.
    The 2nd and third place fishes in that category that year got well over $100,000.00.

  4. Just for the record:
    This is a well-respected and well liked Ocean City local.
    A good father, husband...a good guy all around.
    He was also a teacher (coach?) at some MD schools.
    It's nice to hear that someone that deserves to win - wins it.
    Also: Before anybody thinks he's a millionaire all of a sudden, think about this:
    45% tax goes right to the Feds and State;
    The Captain and crew all get a percentage.
    The guys he fished with will surely get a share - maybe all equal.
    If he walks with around $150,000 he'll be lucky.
    Not bad for a couple days out fishing!

  5. 10:20 finally someone who makes sense - wonderful comment and all of it is true!


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