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Friday, July 05, 2019

Woman who licked tub of ice cream faces up to 20 years in prison

A woman in Lufkin, Texas, walked into her local Walmart, opened a container of Blue Bell, licked the ice cream and then put the container back in the freezer. Now, she faces up to 20 years in prison.

The woman can be seen in a now-viral video posted to Twitter Saturday. The person recording can be heard saying, "Lick it, lick it. Oh, you foul. Put it back, put it back."

Blue Bell put out a statement Monday that confirms the ice cream that was licked was never sold. "Our staff recognized the location in the video, and we inspected the freezer case," the statement reads. "Based on security footage, the location and the inspection of the carton, we believe we may have recovered the half gallon that was tampered with. Out of an abundance of caution, we have also removed all Tin Roof half gallons from that location."



  1. What the heck is this person thinking? Talk about gross; to make the point she should be incarcerated to send the message that this is totally unacceptable in today's society.

  2. She'll probably serve 20 years and Hillary Clinton goes free figure that out

  3. She needs to go to jail. This wasn’t a silly prank. She is a criminal.

  4. The ice cream companies need to use tamper proof packaging so the public health isn't put in danger because of idiots like that. Just about everything else has tamper proof packaging, why not ice cream?

    1. They do use tamper proof containers. Don't know why the fact she opened it first was not mentioned.

  5. Anyone know her eHarmony profile ?

  6. She needs to be forced to eat out of a porta-john!

  7. This takes a lot of nerve! She, and the person egging her on, are what give African Americans a bad rap!

  8. 7:51. I expect people will quit buying food items such as ice cream unless they come in sealed containers to prevent idiots, who have no respect for others and no self respect, from doing this!

  9. I've wondered on the rarity of purchasing ice why are some sealed, like Bryers and Ben & Jerry's, and some aren't. I don't think Turkey Hill and Haggendaz seals their product.

    Not quite as severe as the Tylenol capsule scare of the 80's, but something like this will likely tip the scale to all ice cream being sealed, as it should.

    While doing self check out in the Pocomoke Walmart I saw a woman open the chicken nuggets they have for sale up front and grab a few, then places it back, walks away. That was a learning moment for me. Get your prepared items from the employees working behind the counter and not from the heat lamp station.

  10. That's a lickin' bitch ain't it?!

  11. I saw a guy open a sealed box of muffins and bite into one and then put it back in the box and put back on the counter. Apparently, it was a joke. I head this is done slot in New York.


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