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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Williams: Too Many Black Americans Live in Horrible Conditions

Let’s think about priorities. Say that you live in one of the dangerous high-crime and poor-schooling neighborhoods of cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, or St. Louis.

Which is most important to you: doing something about public safety and raising the quality of education or, as most black politicians do, focusing energies upon President Donald Trump and who among the 20 presidential contenders will lead the Democratic Party?

The average American has no inkling about the horrible conditions in which many blacks live. Moreover, they wouldn’t begin to tolerate living under those conditions themselves.

In Chicago, one person is shot every four hours and murdered every 18 hours. Similar crime statistics can be found in many predominantly black neighborhoods in Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, and many other large cities. It’s not just an issue of public safety, for high crime has other devastating consequences.

Crime lowers the value of property. We can see some of this when housing prices skyrocket in formerly high-crime areas when large numbers of middle- and upper-income people purchase formerly run-down properties and fix them up.

Today’s level of lawlessness and insecurity in many black communities is a relatively new phenomenon. In the 1950s, ’40s, ’30s, and earlier times, people didn’t bar their windows.

The uninformed blame today’s chaos on discrimination and poverty.

More here


  1. Well, a somewhat black man who rose to Chicago area fame and was boosted up the political rank ladder to the presidency, had eight years to do something about it, but didn't, unless throwing more free stuff around counts.

  2. The only thing blacks have to fear and it is NOT racism because racism is a NON issue anymore but other blacks. Other blacks are the ONLY thing blacks have to fear. We are just not talking about the epidemic of black on black murders and the extremely high rate of other black on black crime but what blacks have to fear also are black democrat politicians. Black democrat politicians are nothing but the gate keepers keeping blacks chained up to the democrat plantation. The democrats don't see blacks as humans. Only votes. But nothing will change until blacks themselves wise up. That is kind of hard since they are chained up and their slave masters refuse to allow school choice. Their youth are forced by their slave masters to attend sub standard and often dangerous schools. Just as it was during slavery blacks overall are still not allowed by their democrats masters to get en education. Keeping them dumb Keeps them down so they have to depend on the government to exist. This keeps them under the democrat plantation and nothing but lowly slaves.

    1. 10:07 Black kids have made the schools bad. Good schools are built, but the blacks trash them, and the teachers have no authority to correct them. Class rooms are so out of hand that the students that want to learn, get something out of their efforts, and finally graduate are so distracted by these corrupt kids that they are not getting the proper education they deserve. Bring segregation back for the good of all. Black history month, black tv channel, black miss America, black colleges, ect ect. I see a pattern here, blacks don't want to associate with whites, so lets have white schools again, that way at least some students will get an education

  3. When blacks keep calling each other the N word, yet that word is so bad no one else is allowed to ever utter it but them, it really shows the respect they have for each other. If it is such a vile word, with do they constantly call each other it?

  4. Blacks live in those conditions because they refuse to be educated , indulge in thug culture and make bad decisions!

  5. The deterioration of the family is a main reason as well. The Dems keep them on the plantation by farming votes. Promising free stuff and rewarding people for not working and having kids with no Daddies is a problem. Lots of white people doing it too these days. Its becoming a culture for everyone. Unless we reward people for working instead of promoting entitlement, nothing will change. My family was poor, we didn't get any help, lived in a slum rowhouse in Baltimore, but we got out and worked hard. no excuse for anyone else.

  6. Living in a slum? Leave. Hundreds of millions have done it before you.

    1. 11:27 I think they already have left

  7. My family came to this country 120 years ago with less that nothing in the bottom of a boat. Went through Ellis Island and ended up in Baltimore uneducated and destitute. The next thing you know, through hard work, they moved up in the world a bought a tiny house. Then the next generation did better and on and on. So quit your whining. It can be done, it just takes hard work.

  8. Well, excellent opportunity to hear from the community at large.... hello?????

  9. If ANY black lives this way?? ITS THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT.


  10. Most cities with large minority populations have had minority mayors and council members for quite some time now. Results are still miserable.

  11. One of the silent rights of Americans is the right of mobility within the nation's borders, all without a passport. Too few people don't take advantage of it and stay in the same festering places their entire (too often short) lives. Others make some poor choices in moving, going from one awful place to another, expecting some sort of change.

  12. The condition of these houses, apartments, neighborhoods, are there own doing. if i do not clean up my yard, clean my house, it will become a mess. if i paint graffiti all over the building, break windows, leave trash everywhere it will be a mess. these buildings were not built looking like this. those conditions were created by those who inhabit them. they ruined them, if they want better conditions clean it up.....

  13. Well I was raised in Baltimore County and since I was a little girl money was poured into better housing and better schools to no avail. Nobody caused this problem but themselves and Democrates. People need a hand up not a hand out.

  14. Most of f the mass shootings in this country have been committed by white men. Wake up!

    1. That’s about .o1 percent of all shootings. 500,000 die a year from cigarettes. 1000 infants die from second had smoke. 48,000 people die a year from second hand smoke. 1 million people die every two years from smoking. But YOU SAY NOTHING.

  15. 9:04 Mass shootings don't even compare to all the black on black shootings and murders in one city alone this country is currently experiencing. Check the statistics on Chicago and see how many black on black murders have occurred this year already, and the year is barely half over

  16. Look at all the public/subsidized housing around here. Starts out real nice, folks are charged insanely low rent along with being given their Obama phones and food stamps. Fast fwd a few years and it's all uninhabitable and trashed! So, the govt shells out more money to fix it up, again and again only to be trashed. The opportunity for betterment is unapologetically abused and the same folks trashing everything want to blame society for "oppressing" them. This pattern will never change until people of all races, nationalities, etc are held accountable for their own actions. It's not societies fault you feel entitled to handouts and don't appreciate or respect anything... It's solely yours.

  17. A common denominator: every one of those cities is run by a democratic controlled council and mayor.

  18. You will see more and more gated communities with armed guards at the gates. I saw some of this when I was down south last spring at Hilton Head island. In order to get in, you had to have a pass or permission from someone who lives in the community. The rich will always have their safe zones, while the rest of us will be forced to accept the trash and problems forced on us from the inner cities. Relocating them to good or better communities won't solve their problems, they will be bringing their problems with them.

  19. They wouldn't have it any other way. They don't take care of or appreciated anything because they never had to work hard for anything. Easy come..........easy go.

  20. Brought on by their own actions and in-actions. Their own kind create the conditions they live in.

  21. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 9:04 but you are wrong. I recently saw a list of mass shooters identified by race and yes, white men are responsible for some, however, most mass shootings are actually committed by minority suspects. Do some research and quit listening to propaganda from CNN ( Communist News Network).

  22. And Many MORE WHITES live in Horrible Conditions !!!

  23. Many More Whites have had it Hard than Black or any other

    & have Fought the Damn Wars to Save All the crybaby's !!!

  24. So don't Dare say who has had it HARD > The WHITES have

    Damn Right : 6:28 PM !!! Right ON


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