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Friday, July 26, 2019

Wicomico Joins Worcester In Sprinkler Opposition

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County last week agreed to support proposed legislation that would allow jurisdictions to opt out of statewide sprinkler requirements in new single-family homes.

Last week, the Wicomico County Council unanimously agreed to send a letter of support to state representatives regarding local amendments to fire sprinkler system provisions.

In May, the Worcester County Commissioners opted to seek help from other Maryland counties in their fight against state requirements that all new single-family dwellings have sprinklers.

The decision followed an effort to create a building permit that would allow county residents to opt out of the state’s sprinkler requirement. Feedback from state agencies, however, led the commissioners to consider another option.



  1. Friends will move into a newly constructed for them (custom) home in the next couple weeks in Worcester Co. They had already purchased their lot when this law was passed. They felt they had no realistic option except to have the sprinklers but it cost thousands of extra dollars, and is unlikely to ever be used.

    Liberal Jim's legacy.

  2. Hogan is a true IDIOT.

  3. Didn't see Somerset join in because its too much trouble to ask Otto to concur and support same. They do nothing but establish committees to "study and report so they don't act on anything themselves because that might cost a vote or two. But they never miss a paycheck or any perk that comes with the job. What a bunch of suckers the voters are that never ask what have you done in four years? Will it ever change? Concerned.

  4. So, the state wants these new houses to get flooded out and destroyed by water damage.

    1. 3:20- It is extremely cost prohibitive to add when building a house. A smoke detector or two, is not.

  5. Dorchester needs to follow .

  6. The POOR on the SHORE can't afford any more !!! Period

  7. Where were the county commissioners when the law was passed. Never vote for an Incumbent. We got rid of Jim. I quess Mary Beth is next


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