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Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Trump Matters to Women

Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame and not much else since, had a meltdown a few weeks ago, a common occurrence from the Left since Trump has taken office. While on CNN’s Reliable Sources he called for a closer look into why people support Trump. He said,
“No president in the history of the United States in 246 years has expressed the kinds of ideas and thoughts and undemocratic notions and authoritarian notions that he has. We need to start connecting these dots. What do people in the country think of this and why do they think and support him, no matter what he does, no matter how outrageous seemingly his conduct is.”
Ever notice how the Left loves to accuse President Trump of “undemocratic” behavior? When pressed to explain exactly what those behaviors are, they’ve got nothing. But, I can help Carl out, particularly where women are concerned.

I know why Trump matters, especially to women and why we not only voted for him in 2016, but why we will vote for him again in 2020. We see him as a protector of those things we hold dear. We recognize that our long-held values are under attack from the Left. We believe he will defend those values. And this is really important: we want a man who keeps his promises. Trump did.


1 comment:

  1. They attack, they whine, but where are the proofs?


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