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Sunday, July 28, 2019

White diner calls black woman a 'stupid n*****' in a restaurant in row about the noise

A white woman at a local restaurant was caught on camera using a racial slur against a black diner because she found her to be talking too loudly.

Mobile phone footage shows a woman called Nancy Goodman approaching the other customers including Lakesha Shaw and Chanda Stewart at a Bonefish Grill in North Hills, North Carolina to tell them to be quiet, before calling one of them a 'stupid n*****' in a shocking racial slur.

The footage has since generated thousands of shares and comments online.

Lakesha Shaw was the woman who Goodman had addressed the offensive word to, while her friend Chanda Stewart filmed the tirade on her mobile.



  1. Hate speech arrested and jail for 10 years. Unless your anything else other then white then say it all you want totally fine. Manly because 250 years ago all races owned slaves. This was during the area of world slavery and slave trade. Therefore white people go to jail if the say it. Make sense?? If it does your a liberal.

  2. No worse than a public display in which whites are called crackers. Build a bridge and get over it. Despite popular leftist rhetoric you do not have a right to not be offended when others have a right to free speech.

  3. White diner just using her free speech privilege. They take offense, no matter what whites say, they need to get over it and go on down the road.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: glad that Goodman refused to apologize. That would show weakness which make blacks even more obnoxious. I’m sure that they were loud and rude with no consideration for others in the restaurant. I would not apologize either. These asses need to be resisted. Stand up and let them know you won’t be cowed. And for those sensitive individuals who are concerned about calling them n****rs, they do it to them selves as though it is honorable. It is ok with the government, media and supporters of inclusion and diversity for blacks to call whites what ever derogatory term they wish, but lord help you if you reciprocate against that protected specie. This may be the start of something! One can only hope.

  5. Blacks commonly use that term when referring to each other. It they can an use it, so can I.

  6. "...before calling one of them a 'stupid n*****' in a shocking racial slur."

    Why is this shocking?? Black people use this term every single day. They even write ghetto rap songs about it. Is it "shocking" because the Libtard media is saying it for shock value? Yes it is.

  7. So what. Blacks can't find racists so they have to make up racial hoaxes. They finally found someone really saying it so that's good. Doesn't mean she's a racist. Besides the word is in that crap they call music so they have no business ever telling anyone they can't use the word and they have no choice but to suck it up. If the shoe fits then they have to wear it.

  8. Look at how the blacks act EVERYDAY. You must STOP to allow them to walk across the street. Yet they slide their lazy ASSES as if they have no energy. They always have to be the loudest no matter where they are at. I had one hold a door for a black woman. Then shut the door on me. Yes I'm a woman. They are the most HATE filled people.

  9. I agree with standing up for yourself. I know the N word is used among themselves routinely without offense. Unfortunately it is what it is. If you are white and use the N word, well you know the outcome. I don't disagree with her saying something, it could have been handled differently. That being said, we were not there and don't know how this really went down. The two ladies may have been loud and obnoxious, maybe not. The woman who approached them may be racist, maybe not. She may have called the manager over and complained, he/she may have gone to them and asked them to lower their voices, maybe not.

  10. Why is that a crime or even made the news? People call each other all kinds of things. Even racist slurs. Deal with it and move on.
    If violence or vandalism is involved, that's a whole different story. But words? Come on. Grow a pair!

  11. Like they were going to leave a tip....

  12. I keep hearing that 30,000,000 are enslaved currently. Who are the slave owners? Race and relgion?

  13. Just claim you were singing rap "lyrics". it's every other word...

  14. They are obnoxious in public and in restaurants the Worst tippers ask ANY waitress.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: A good example of stereotypical behavior. Some say you shouldn’t stereotype, but if you analyze it, stereotyping would not exist if specific groups or races didn’t demonstrate the same behaviors over a. Wide range of parameters. It is a natural occurrence.

  16. @ July 27, 2019 at 10:55 AM

    Behavior is learned and generally cultural. It's not a biological feature built into ones DNA.

    Calling someone that word is never o.k. for any reason. It was used as an insult, and to be as derogatory as possible. To see the support of this behavior here is, disheartening.

    Is this Christlike behavior? By this woman, or by many of the commentors here? I don't think so.

  17. And just how many of us have been in restaurants or any establishment for that matter and had to put up with the loud mouths of these people who think there is nothing wrong with it? The color of her money has nothing to do with it. Spending your money in any establishment does not give you specific rights like running your mouth loud enough for everyone to hear. Act in a civilized manner like everyone else does. I see and hear this everywhere I go. Also their hate to wait mentality. I have seen and heard them in many fast food places cussing about how long it takes to get THEM their order. Recently, a woman made her order just after me and was cussing even before I got my order. The woman was right to tell them they were loud, not calling them a name. But typically they wanted to argue about it before the name calling because they see nothing wrong with their actions. No one else in the room is as loud as they are, and they just cannot seem to understand that. Morons.


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